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[KKS-Screencap 3DVR] - How do I get the front of the frame to follow the angle of the camera instead of being horizontal all the time?
How can I get the 3DVRscreenshot front of the frame to follow the angle of the camera instead of being horizontal all the time? I am creating a VR MMD video with VideoExport. I hope to make the view follow the camera movement.
I have not learned C# programming before,Can I hire you to modify this plugin, including changing the horizon to follow the angle of the camera and rendering VR in 180 degrees?I will pay you 15 dollars to 35 dollars via PayPal.We also can discuss the price.
I found a modification method from zodgame that changes VR to 180°. Change the output of method capture from Texture2D to RenderTexture. Core.ScreenshotManager.cs 入れ替わりStitchImages private static Texture2D CombineTexture180VR(RenderTexture left, RenderTexture right) { var result = new Texture2D(left.width, left.height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); RenderTexture temp =; = left; result.ReadPixels(new Rect(left.width / 4, 0, left.width / 2, left.height), 0, 0); = right; result.ReadPixels(new Rect(left.width / 4, 0, left.width / 2, left.height), left.width / 2, 0); = temp; RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(left); RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(right); return result; }
Given how the panoramic image is generated with I believe it's not possible to angle the camera outside of the Y rotation that is already applied.