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Open source code from the blog posts at
Amusive Blogging N' Coding (ABC)
This repository contains the code from the hands-on blog posts at iSquared. The website mainly revolves around the visual explanation of many different phenomena. There are two main parts: blogs and visualizations.
Blog Posts
The blog posts are longer and more detailed texts covering some interesting topics. They include explanations, intuition, theory, and visual perception of the discussed subject. Morever an open-source implementation is provided for a fully-featured experience. The blog posts are summarized below:
The importance of interactive data visualization
The blog post points why the interactive visualization is important and how it can help us in the process of data exploration and interpretation. It also includes a hands-on experience using the JavaScript library D3, to code an interactive Parallel Coordinates plot augmented with a dynamic table to search laptops easily.
Code: Interactive Dataviz
Dataset: Laptop Prices
JavaScript Visualization: Discover Different Visualization Tools
A series of 4 blog posts, each discovering a different set of JavaScript visualization tools: charting, graphs, maps and 3D.
First part - Charting
The first part covers the charting libraries with a hands-on experience with NVD3, ApexCharts JS and Plotly JS.
Code: JavaScript Charting Libraries
Dataset: Life Expectancy
Second Part - Graph Visualization
The second part covers the graph visualization libraries with a hands-on experience with Cytoscape JS. We discuss the different graph data formats, data repositories, different JavaScript libraries and out-of-the=box tools.
Code: JavaScript Graph Visualization Libraries
Data: Class Dependency Network of JDK
Random Processes in Python
A series of blog posts dedicated to the random processes simulation and animated visualization using the Python numerical libraries.
Animated Visualization of Random Walks in Python
Introduction of the simple random walk, simulation and animated visualization.
Code: Random Walk Animation Pyhton Notebook
Animated Visualization of Brownian Motion in Python
Introduction of the Brownian Motion, how to construct it using the simple random walk and animated visualization of this principle.
Code: Brownian Motion Animation Pyhton Notebook
Random Walks Have Never Been Funnier: Drifted Brownian Motion in Python
Extending the bare Brownian Motion with volatility and drift. We illustrate these two proparties with an animated visualization using Matplotlib's Animation API. Source code:
Code: Drifted Brownian Motion
Forget Determinism, see Randomness in Action: How to Model Stock Price
Transforming the Drifted Brownian Motion from a process with additive increments to a process with multiplicative increments. This is well suited for modelling stock price data. We analyze and animate one interesting property of the process: for certain conditions, it has zero mean and infinite variance.
Code: Geometric Brownian Motion
Numerical Integration in Python
A series of blog posts dedicated to the numerical integration with animated visualizations in Python.
Integrals are Easy: Visualized Riemann Integration in Python
Introduction to the simplest form of Integration using the Riemann sums. We illustrate the numerical integration process using Matplotlib's Animation API.
Code: Riemann Sums
Integrals are Fun: Illustrated Riemann-Stieltjes Integral
Introduction to the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral which is a generalization of the Riemann Integral. We provide some intuitive illustrations to explain and understand this type of integral.
Code: Riemann-Stieltjes Sums
Cellular Automata in Python
Simple but Stunning: Animated Cellular Automata in Python
Intro to cellular automata. Implementation of the elementary cellular automata and animation of the evolution of one automaton using Matplotlib.
Code: Cellular Automata
Hyperparameters Search
Neural Networks Hyperparameter Search, the Visualized Way
Tutorial on how to use the HiPlot library to find the best hyperparameters for a simple Keras model.
Code: Hyperparameter Search
Measuring Carbon Footprint
Track the CO emissions of your Python code the same way you time it. Here is how!
Tutorial on how to use CodeCarbon Python library for tracking the CO2 emissions of a neural network training process.
Code: Code Carbon
Code Profiling
Make every line of your Python code to count with these 4 profilers
Experimenting with snakeviz, line_profiler, memory_profiler and pyinstrument.
Code: Profilers Experiments
The visualization part offers very short and simple explanation of some big ideas where the main focus is put on the visualizations and how to create them. For completeness, the open-source implementation is provided here. The list of visualizations is summarized below:
Calculation of the Circle’s Area Explained Visually
How to calculate the area of the circle numerically. What is the visual interpretation behind it?
Find the source code here
This is why the Mandelbrot sets are amazing!
Amazing properties of the Mandelbrot sets and an animated visualization using Matplotlib as it converges.
Find the source code here
Visualized Koch Snowflake in Python with Matplotlib
How to construct perfect snowflakes using the Koch Curve. It only takes a simple math.
Find the source code here
Mind-Gobbling Julia Set: Animate your own in Python with Matplotlib
Analyzing Julia Set with an animated illistration.
Find the source code here
Chaotic Beauty: Bifurcation Diagram Animation with Matplotlib
Visualizing the chaotic bifurcation diagram getting created from a seemingly simple dynamical system.
Find the source code here
Not an ordinary function: Riemann Zeta zeros visualized in Python with Matplotlib
Visualizing and animating the zeros of the Riemann Zeta function, which are still not mathematically proven to hold in all cases.
Find the source code here
Sierpinski triangle: Fractal Christmass Tree
Animated visualization of the Sierpinski triangle, which resembles a Christmass tree.
Find the source code here
Barnsley Fern
Generating and plotting a Barnsley Fern Fractal.
Find the source code here
Plotting with Altair
How to plot data using the Altair Python library.
Find the source code here