Iiro Alhonen
Iiro Alhonen
Cafe name: Giulietta Cafés Website: https://www.giuliettacafes.com.br/ Description: Giulietta is a local coffee shop here in my city that does its own roasting and has its own line of specialty coffees,...
A list of cafes to be added to CloudKit: - [x] Bali General Supply - [x] Lehmus - [ ] Jacobs house (Bremen) - [ ] Satans (Barcelona) - [...
To save costs, the project & company page should be moved from Webflow to GitHub Pages. Company site is to be desided where that should reside.
Add the origami dripper as a brew method
Beginners might want to use a slider for desired strength instead of ratio.
Untappd kind of "coffee I've drank list". MVP would be the ability to add coffees you've drank. Requirements: - Need to be able to add coffee you've drank with a...
User should be able to use the context menu to show their favourite methods/recipes.