Igor Kovalenko

Results 11 comments of Igor Kovalenko

Thank you, we're gonna implement this feature.

in version 0.62.0 we implemented overloading for private functions.

`tvm.encodeBody` encodes the function ID + the parameters. `slice.decodeFunctionParams` decodes only the parameters. Correct code: ``` function get() public returns (BigStruct, BigStruct) { TvmCell hm = tvm.encodeBody(Mem.set, really_big); TvmSlice slice...

We have updated docs. https://github.com/tonlabs/TON-Solidity-Compiler/blob/master/API.md#tvmbuilderstore `Make sure the entire struct fits into the builder.` `.decode()` works only with current slice and don't jump into reference. Because slice may have at...

Could you explain in detail what the problem was? Or could you show the wrong/correct code?

You can use `mapping(uint256 => TvmSlice)`

Thank you. We had such problem. You can add `#include ` to file `TVMContractCompiler.cpp` to build it.

Pls, add 2 words to README