Igor Kovalenko
Igor Kovalenko
Thank you, we're gonna implement this feature.
in version 0.62.0 we implemented overloading for private functions.
`tvm.encodeBody` encodes the function ID + the parameters. `slice.decodeFunctionParams` decodes only the parameters. Correct code: ``` function get() public returns (BigStruct, BigStruct) { TvmCell hm = tvm.encodeBody(Mem.set, really_big); TvmSlice slice...
We have updated docs. https://github.com/tonlabs/TON-Solidity-Compiler/blob/master/API.md#tvmbuilderstore `Make sure the entire struct fits into the builder.` `.decode()` works only with current slice and don't jump into reference. Because slice may have at...
Why is it wrong warning?
Could you explain in detail what the problem was? Or could you show the wrong/correct code?
Thank you! Yes, it's good hint!
You can use `mapping(uint256 => TvmSlice)`
Thank you. We had such problem. You can add `#include ` to file `TVMContractCompiler.cpp` to build it.
Pls, add 2 words to README