non-random-initialization-for-DFL-CNN copied to clipboard
AttributeError: Can't pickle local object 'get_transform_for_test_simple.<locals>.<lambda>'
Could you answer a small question,when I run the code:
for i, (data, target, paths) in enumerate(val_loader): ←←←←←←←←there if args.gpu is not None: data = Variable(data.cuda()) target = Variable(target.cuda())
always show→→→"AttributeError: Can't pickle local object 'get_transform_for_test_simple.
对于i,(枚举(val_loader)中的(数据,目标,路径):←←←←←←←←← 如果args.gpu不是None: 数据=变量(data.cuda()) 目标=变量(target.cuda ())
总是显示→→→“ AttributeError:无法腌制本地对象'get_transform_for_test_simple ..'”,如何解决此问题?非常感谢。
Did you solve this problem?Would you please share some thing?