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Some suggestions about Chinese translation
Result councom
- en: Council Communism is an ideology that deems that a sucessful socialist society must be one managed by workers' councils and not political parties"
- zhcn: 议会共产主义认为,成功的社会主义社会应当由工人议会来运行
The word "Council" should be "委员会", not "议会".
"议会" in Chinese means Parliament. "Council" should probably be translated as "委员会" according to the description. I think a "socialist society managed by worker's council and not party" is radical and revolutionary and is against parliamentalism. "议会共产主义" sounds like social democry or democratic socialism.
Question rev_ed
- en: Should there be a revolutionary party to teach the masses during and after the revolution?
- zhcn: 是否应该有一个革命党,在革命期间和革命后对群众进行灌输?
The word "Teach" is translated as "灌输", and I think "教育"、"教导" is better.
"灌输“ and "the theroy of 灌输"(灌输论) is a wrong translation to Lenin's theory about giving the class consciousness to the working class by the vanguard party (probably made by Chinese translators in 1950s). "灌输" has the meaning of putting something into someone's brain forcefully, kinda like brainwashing. I think it's not correct for translating Lenin's theroy in the first place, and it's not correct for translating "Teach".
So it's better to be like "是否应该有一个革命党,在革命期间和革命后教导群众?".
Question aboveall
and aboveall2
- en: Do you think that the nation should be of most importance above all?
- zhcn: 国家的重要性应该高于一切吗?
The word "Nation" should be translated as 民族, not 国家.
In Chinese, State, Nation, Country were all translated as "国家", which is very confusing and wrong. In Chinese "国家" may indicates one of 2 things. The first thing is a country, like German and China. The other thing is the state, which in Chinese is closely related to the government. "民族" mainly refers to nation. For example, the Nazi‘s word German nation, was translated as 德意志民族 (德意志 is the transliteration of Deutschland). The word nation-state was translated as 民族国家, 民族 for nation and 国家 for state. (It could be translated as 国家 probably is because the Chinese scolors and translators in late 1800s and early 1900s found all main countries were nation-states (in their point of view), so they set this as default for the language.) This question is placed after the respondents approving the importance of the state and it deffers nazbol and ml/statesoc, so logically it's asking if something within the state is of most importance above all.
So it'e better to be like 民族的重要性应该高于一切吗?
These seem like valid suggestions but sadly due to my unfamiliarity with the chinese script I am not able to change them myself, if you want to submit a pull request, I'll accept it.