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Check session endpoint enabled, but SessionId is missing
We have had identityserver in production for about 6 months and just recently (past month and a half) it has started to return the error: "Check session endpoint enabled, but SessionId is missing".
This is only happening in our production environment. Which was moved to a different data centre around the same time the issue started happening. Having said that, we had an increase in usage of the site at the same time too. Both our UAT and PROD environments are load balanced and were moved at the same time.
We haven't been able to replicate it, but we know that it happens when the idsvr cookie is still active, but the idsvr.session cookie is dead. I'm not sure how it could get into this state though.I am yet to determine if its being caused by the "remember me" functionality or not.
This is the setting for cookie options in our IdentityServer host. Expire Time span is 1 hour.
CookieOptions = new Thinktecture.IdentityServer.Core.Configuration.CookieOptions
SlidingExpiration = true,
ExpireTimeSpan = Settings.Default.ExpireTimeSpan
Does this cookie setting cover both the idsvr & idsvr.session cookies that are created? Is it possible that the idsvr cookie is sliding but the idsvr.session cookie is not?
Is there a reason why identityserver doesn't redirect you to the login page when you get into this situation?
Thanks again for your help and support on this product.
I should add that i'm running version of identity server.
I have further feedback from one of the users experiencing this issue....
They are using IE 11 and this is how they replicated it.
- Go to RP1 and hit login
- Login to identity server and select "Remember me"
- They are logged in and redirected to RP1
- They work in RP1 for a while, then close their browser
- Later in the day they open RP2, and click login
- They get redirected to identity server, but it will return an empty session id.
Ok, will look into this.
I hope you have a break over christmas ;)
Took a quick look -- it does look like we're issuing a persistent session cookie along with the persistent authentication cookie. It's working here (of course).
So what it sounds like is that your users keep one cookie but not the other. Is that correct?
I'd need some help from your side to help debug this some more.
On my machine, I have tested it and it in firefox is shows that it issues a persistent cookie for both session and authentication. On another machine using firefox, it is only showing as a session cookie. But we weren't able to replicate the issue using that.
From what I can see it looks like its keeping the authentication cookie but not the session cookie.
It wouldn't be related to this katana bug?
It wouldn't be related to this katana bug?
Only if you're mixing System.Web cookie code in the same request with OWIN/Katana cookie code. None of the code in IdSvr uses System.Web. Do you have other code in the IdSvr host using System.Web? A http module perhaps?
I'm not using System.web cookie code in my host. I do use System.web and other httpmodules for things like logging, and my password reset view (which is used as a partial login)
Yea, this might be hard to track down then where/what's causing it since neither you or I can repro it ourselves. For all we know, it's the user browser throwing away a cookie, or maybe a load balancer not passing a cookie thru... again, difficult without a repro.
Agreed, without the repro I've been struggling. I've only seen it happen once on the users machine, and clearing the cookies and re-logging fixed the issue.
Are there any known issues with load balancers not passing through cookies?
So if we can't track down the cause, should identity server bail at this point and redirect you to the login screen?
I've heard of LBs dropping cookies when there are too many. But yea, I think that's rare or really just a fluke.
If there's no session at token issuance time, then we can gen one. That might be what we should do, but doing this is somewhat like saying "somewhere else cookies aren't working for some reason, so let's cover it up by doing what should have been done elsewhere".
I don't like that it's just not working right, so I'd like to know why before I put in code to mask other problems,
But... come to think of it, I might like to move this to the authorization endpoint, since it is an aspect of the OIDC protocol. I'll have to think about it.
I agree that covering it up might not be the best option. I am running version 1.6, so its not something that may have been fixed in a newer version? From what I can see, the handling of the session cookie hasn't changed.
The only other thing to mention, is that our sys admin has got the app pool recycling at 3am every night. I wouldn't think this would cause any dramas because our user is only using the site during business hours.
no, apppool is unrelated. session id is a random value, not related to any keys or anything
That's what I thought, just wanted to check.
Here's my startup code, if it helps....
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
LogProvider.SetCurrentLogProvider(new DiagnosticsTraceLogProvider());
//LogProvider.SetCurrentLogProvider(new TraceSourceLogProvider());
// uncomment to enable HSTS headers for the host
// see:
app.Map("/core", coreApp =>
LoginPageLink resetLink = new LoginPageLink() { Href = Settings.Default.PasswordResetLink, Text="Forgot Password?" };
var options = new IdentityServerOptions
IssuerUri = "",
SiteName = "MySite IdentityServer",
PublicOrigin = Settings.Default.PublicHostName,
SigningCertificate = Cert.Load(),
Factory = Factory.Configure("MembershipReboot"), // This is the name of the connection string
CorsPolicy = CorsPolicy.AllowAll,
RequireSsl = true,
AuthenticationOptions = new AuthenticationOptions
// IdentityProviders = ConfigureIdentityProviders,
LoginPageLinks = new LoginPageLink[] { resetLink },
CookieOptions = new Thinktecture.IdentityServer.Core.Configuration.CookieOptions
SlidingExpiration = true,
ExpireTimeSpan = Settings.Default.ExpireTimeSpan
// only for showing the getting started index page
//Use Log4Net to log events
LogProvider.SetCurrentLogProvider(new Log4NetLogProvider());
Hi Brock, did you have any more thoughts on this issue?
No, not really. @leastprivilege and I are meeting next week, so we can discuss then.
Hey Brock,
I have some more info regarding this issue. We had another user have the issue today (11/1). This time it was for another relying party. After speaking with 2 users of this application, 1 used "Remember Me" and the other didn't. The one who didn't use "Remember Me" was able to log in today, the one who did couldn't log in.
Both were using the same RP, IE 11 and were accessing the site at the same time. Both could log in on (8/11) This fits with our previous case, where the only user having the issue was one who chose the "Remember me" option.
Unfortunately, they cleared their cookies before I could investigate the issue. So that's all I have.
I tried to repro it again here locally with IE11 and I can't get the behavior you described (when I check "remember my login").
Also, just to clarify; you said:
We have had identityserver in production for about 6 months and just recently (past month and a half) it has started to return the error: "Check session endpoint enabled, but SessionId is missing".
But it's not preventing users from logging in, right? It's just not issuing a session_state
value in the response, correct? This is just showing up in the logs, right?
Also, are you doing any custom login screen where you're taking over issuing the login cookie?
Hi Brock,
It is preventing users from logging in. It's as though they browser loses the session_state cookie after a certain period of time. To allow them to log in again, they've been clearing their cookies and starting authentication again.
I have custom styles for the login screen and I have a custom partial sign in page that will prompt users to reset their passwords when they have expired.
Where or how exactly does it prevent them from logging in? Does IDSvr throw an exception?
When the RP redirects to idsvr, idsvr throws an exception.
Here's what's happening in the log prior:
2016-01-25 15:37:47,884 [56] INFO Thinktecture.IdentityServer.Core.Endpoints.AuthorizeEndpointController - Start authorize request
2016-01-25 15:37:47,884 [56] INFO Thinktecture.IdentityServer.Core.Validation.AuthorizeRequestValidator - Start authorize request protocol validation
2016-01-25 15:37:47,900 [56] ERROR Thinktecture.IdentityServer.Core.Validation.AuthorizeRequestValidator - Check session endpoint enabled, but SessionId is missing
"ClientId": "mysite_implicitclient",
"ClientName": "mysite",
"RedirectUri": "",
"AllowedRedirectUris": [
"SubjectId": "64fbc3c2-86bb-41b8-b141-f97540c7aa18",
"ResponseType": "id_token",
"ResponseMode": "form_post",
"Flow": "Implicit",
"RequestedScopes": "openid email profile myscope",
"State": "OpenIdConnect.AuthenticationProperties=g5XIMum2EI1Q3LvrgvwVWmCVqTM8QQzhQAlYseGUsnoFS9Ogs7cj5NrXnlmjpQEgOMJy7f4Re5cugVM2_aavm_zgof5-78vo6Uc42OvgRGORJz3Rqx8ATM8-_BvkRdJdZdr5sD_lDZi4v3Zz2DwPvgAqPtEc5uDCyckfkP5RU1Vf3moAiCQyWhQMnLgSD3YlcTWX31vsIuvFYDSSSHyzZ_PLZKRyQFOaXWd619dQU14",
"Nonce": "635892934679230492.MzhmNGQ2Y2UtNDJiNS00M2E4LWFiMWMtODE4NjdiNmU5Y2EwNThiMjZmODgtNmQ5ZS00MTZlLTg4ODMtMjQ2ZWM5NjkxMTli",
"Raw": {
"client_id": "mysite_implicitclient",
"redirect_uri": "",
"response_mode": "form_post",
"response_type": "id_token",
"scope": "openid email profile myscope",
"state": "OpenIdConnect.AuthenticationProperties=g5XIMum2EI1Q3LvrgvwVWmCVqTM8QQzhQAlYseGUsnoFS9Ogs7cj5NrXnlmjpQEgOMJy7f4Re5cugVM2_aavm_zgof5-78vo6Uc42OvgRGORJz3Rqx8ATM8-_BvkRdJdZdr5sD_lDZi4v3Zz2DwPvgAqPtEc5uDCyckfkP5RU1Vf3moAiCQyWhQMnLgSD3YlcTWX31vsIuvFYDSSSHyzZ_PLZKRyQFOaXWd619dQU14",
"nonce": "635892934679230492.MzhmNGQ2Y2UtNDJiNS00M2E4LWFiMWMtODE4NjdiNmU5Y2EwNThiMjZmODgtNmQ5ZS00MTZlLTg4ODMtMjQ2ZWM5NjkxMTli"
I'll add some screenshots in another message.
What version of IdSvr? It looks like 1.x something?
I'm running in PROD. We have version 2.3 in DEV, which I'm waiting on some internal approvals to deploy through to TEST and UAT to see if we can replicate in the latest version.
When the RP redirects to idsvr, idsvr throws an exception.
That's a log error, not a runtime exception. I'm still unclear how users are prevented from logging in...
But anyway, perhaps 2.3 is your best best on this -- is it possible to test if your 2.3 dev is still having this issue?
Sorry, I had that wrong. It's not idsvr with the exception, its the RP.
The RP checks for the sessionState claim, and throws an exception when it doesn't find it. The RP is using the sessionState claim for single sign out of the RPs.
So again, I'm not sure what we should do with this. Is there any way you can reproduce this with our samples?
Unfortunately I've not been able to replicate it with samples. I know we had discussed adding something to handle the scenario when no session cookie was present, but you had to think more about that.
If worst comes to worst, I can turn off the "remember me" option.In the meantime I'm happy to wait this out and see if it continues to happen in PROD after I update to the latest release of idsvr. This might be a few weeks away with my current release schedules.