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Examples of where functional programming, or a particular functional programming idiom, leads one to an antipattern. The goal is to effectively use the strengths of computers to augment our weaknesse...

Functional Antipatterns

Programming is a deeply unnatural task for social savannah hunter-gathering primates. This doesn't stop us--we do a lot of unnatural things that turn out to be supremely useful, such as mathematical physics--but our abilities are enhanced when we can use our tools to compensate for our most egregious shortcomings.

Functional programming is often touted as a way to compensate for our inability to reason about sprawling codebases where a change anywhere could impact the workings of things anywhere else. It's entirely true that while computers are pretty good at keeping track of all that, humans are lousy. Some, like me, are really lousy; some monkey-patch Python and can manage remarkably well. (Compared to a computer, everyone is incredibly lousy, though.)

But some languages (Scala, for instance) give you a wide variety of tools to solve problems. The most obvious functional way to solve a problem isn't always the best. Here, I am collecting such cases.

How this thing works

I have examples below of what I consider to be anti-patterns in functional programming, along with patterns that are usually superior, which might be functional but certainly aren't required to be. If you think you have a pattern that solves the problem, let me know (even submit a PR!). I will almost surely at least acknowledge the point and place the example in another file, even if I don't outright accept the edit.


Fabio Labella made two wonderfully clear posts (here, here) on Reddit explaining what the advantages of (pure) FP are in general, and what the advantages of IO are in particular. I think that they're very much on-target. But I think that you also give up something in order to get those advantages (at least in any extant programming language, and sometimes especially in Scala which is my lanuage of choice). Thus it is entirely reasonable to ask: did I give up too much? Is this still a case of computers making things easier for us at things we're bad at, or are they helping with something we're not bad at while sacrificing something we're good at? (Note: people do not have identical strengths, so in some cases the answers may depend on the individual.)

The essential case for Referential Transparency

Fabio illustrates that the benefits of IO are exactly in enforcing referential transparency, and then quotes Rob Norris regarding the next essential question:

What are the benefits of referential transparency

First, a quick aside: what is referential transparency? In the simplest form, it is that an expression can be replaced by its value without changing the meaning. For instance, suppose x is a number. Then abs(x) retains referential transparency; as an example, both of these code snippets return the exact same value:

def foo(a: Int, b: Int) = abs(a)*(b - abs(a))

def bar(a: Int, b: Int) = {
  val x = abs(a)
  x*(b - x)

This is not true if we replace abs(a) by scala.util.Random.nextInt(a), however.

In essense, with Random.nextInt(a) we have lost the ability to reason locally. You have to go over to scala.util.Random.nextInt to ask abouts its properties in order to know how to interpret whether foo and bar do the same thing. With referential transparency, you don't have to: if there's a purely syntactic transformation between the two, then they do the same thing. Syntactic variants are irrelevant to function.

Fabio lists six simplifying consequences of having referential transparency:

  1. Compositionality when understanding code (understand the whole by understanding its parts)
  2. Compositionality when assembling code (if pieces work separately, they will work together)
  3. Inversion of control (the caller can discard some I/O if it wants--nothing's happened yet)
  4. Facile deduplication (if you ever see duplicated code, you can always pull it out to a val or def)
  5. Separating evaluation order from execution order (with IO specifically)
  6. Call graphs delimit the region of state sharing (so you're less likely to be confused about when state is shared)

That's pretty nice, honestly. It's just not always free.

An outline of this project

In this repository, I intend to collect a variety of examples showing how the quest for referential transparency can lead one well away from the sweet spot where computers are helping us out.

There are (so far) four general scenarios where I think that referential transparency has drawbacks that are not worth the advantages. In some cases, the drawback is only for a particular approach to functional programming; in others, I cannot envision any way around and/or there are no examples of a way around it.

Simplification by allowing non-locality

Allowing all pieces of an expression to be context-free and thus locally understood is not the only way to reduce cognitive burden. An alternative, sometimes superior strategy is to embrace context (we do this incessantly in everyday life). Below will be some examples where embracing context-sensitivity enables a simplicity that you cannot achieve with referential transparency.

Examples to come.

The morass of monadic nesting

Complex code can end up having lots of different properties for which a wide variety of different monads are typically used. This can turn into an unwieldy hairball quite quickly. Below will be some examples where using monads for the critical easily-messed-up operations results in more readily apparent correctness than enforcing referential transparency.

Examples to come.

State interactions that can be made autonomous

State interactions can be very complex; one way to deal with them is to be hyper-aware of them, but it is also possible to allow the state interaction and changes to run autonomously when you don't need to be aware of the details in order to achieve correct results or have the desired properties. The examples below are of this nature.

Examples to come.

The problem is inherently linear/affine

Description to come--I haven't quite thought through a complete example, so this category may disappear in the future.