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Distributed scikit-learn meta-estimators in PySpark
.. figure:: :alt: sk-dist
sk-dist: Distributed scikit-learn meta-estimators in PySpark
|License| |Build Status| |PyPI Package| |Downloads| |Python Versions|
What is it?
is a Python package for machine learning built on top of
scikit-learn <>
__ and is
distributed under the Apache 2.0 software license <>
. The
module can be thought of as "distributed scikit-learn" as
its core functionality is to extend the scikit-learn
parallelization of meta-estimator training to
spark <>
. A popular use case is the
parallelization of grid search as shown here:
.. figure:: :alt: sk-dist
Check out the blog post <>
for more information on the motivation and use cases of sk-dist
Main Features
Distributed Training -
parallelizes the training ofscikit-learn
meta-estimators with PySpark. This allows distributed training of these estimators without any constraint on the physical resources of any one machine. In all cases, spark artifacts are automatically stripped from the fitted estimator. These estimators can then be pickled and un-pickled for prediction tasks, operating identically at predict time to theirscikit-learn
counterparts. Supported tasks are:-
Grid Search:
Hyperparameter optimization techniques <>
, particularlyGridSearchCV <>
andRandomizedSeachCV <>
__, are distributed such that each parameter set candidate is trained in parallel. -
Multiclass Strategies:
Multiclass classification strategies <>
, particularlyOneVsRestClassifier <>
andOneVsOneClassifier <>
__, are distributed such that each binary probelm is trained in parallel. -
Tree Ensembles:
Decision tree ensembles <>
__ for classification and regression, particularlyRandomForest <>
__ andExtraTrees <>
__, are distributed such that each tree is trained in parallel.
Grid Search:
Distributed Prediction -
provides a prediction module which buildsvectorized UDFs <>
__ forPySpark <>
__DataFrames <>
__ using fittedscikit-learn
estimators. This distributes thepredict
methods ofscikit-learn
estimators, enabling large scale prediction withscikit-learn
. -
Feature Encoding -
provides a flexible feature encoding utility calledEncoderizer
which encodes mix-typed feature spaces using either default behavior or user defined customizable settings. It is particularly aimed at text features, but it additionally handles numeric and dictionary type feature spaces.
``sk-dist`` requires:
- `Python <>`__ (>= 3.5)
- `scikit-learn <>`__ (>=0.20.0,<0.23.2)
- `pandas <>`__ (>=0.17.0)
- `numpy <>`__
- `scipy <>`__
- `joblib <>`__
Dependency Notes
- versions of
that are compatible with any supported version ofscikit-learn
should be sufficient forsk-dist
is not supported with Python 2
Spark Dependencies
Most ``sk-dist`` functionality requires a spark installation as well as
PySpark. Some functionality can run without spark, so spark related
dependencies are not required. The connection between sk-dist and spark
relies solely on a ``sparkContext`` as an argument to various
``sk-dist`` classes upon instantiation.
A variety of spark configurations and setups will work. It is left up to
the user to configure their own spark setup. The testing suite runs
``spark 2.4`` and ``spark 3.0``, though any ``spark 2.0+`` versions
are expected to work.
Additional spark related dependecies are ``pyarrow``, which is used only
for ``skdist.predict`` functions. This uses vectorized pandas UDFs which
require ``pyarrow>=0.8.0``, tested with ``pyarrow==0.16.0``.
Depending on the spark version, it may be necessary to set
``spark.conf.set("spark.sql.execution.arrow.enabled", "true")`` in the
spark configuration.
User Installation
The easiest way to install ``sk-dist`` is with ``pip``:
pip install --upgrade sk-dist
You can also download the source code:
git clone
With ``pytest`` installed, you can run tests locally:
pytest sk-dist
The package contains numerous
`examples <>`__
on how to use ``sk-dist`` in practice. Examples of note are:
- `Grid Search with XGBoost <>`__
- `Spark ML Benchmark Comparison <>`__
- `Encoderizer with 20 Newsgroups <>`__
- `One-Vs-Rest vs One-Vs-One <>`__
- `Large Scale Sklearn Prediction with PySpark UDFs <>`_
Gradient Boosting
``sk-dist`` has been tested with a number of popular gradient boosting packages that conform to the ``scikit-learn`` API. This
includes ``xgboost`` and ``catboost``. These will need to be installed in addition to ``sk-dist`` on all nodes of the spark
cluster via a node bootstrap script. Version compatibility is left up to the user.
Support for ``lightgbm`` is not guaranteed, as it requires `additional installations <>`__ on all
nodes of the spark cluster. This may work given proper installation but has not beed tested with ``sk-dist``.
The project was started at `Ibotta
Inc. <>`__ on the machine learning
team and open sourced in 2019.
It is currently maintained by the machine learning team at Ibotta. Special
thanks to those who contributed to ``sk-dist`` while it was initially
in development at Ibotta:
- `Evan Harris <>`__
- `Nicole Woytarowicz <>`__
- `Mike Lewis <>`__
- `Bobby Crimi <>`__
Thanks to `James Foley <>`__ for logo artwork.
.. figure::
:alt: IbottaML
.. |License| image::
.. |Build Status| image::
.. |PyPI Package| image::
.. |Downloads| image::
.. |Python Versions| image::