Sequence copied to clipboard
WordPress Plugin
I'll be working on a WordPress plugin for Sequence.js soon and wanted to get as much feedback as possible. If it's something you're interested in, please let us know what you expect from a WordPress Sequence Plugin. The more feedback the better!
Ah, I have just started working on a plugin myself. I was going to call it 'sequencer', hehe. Then I found this post. Am willing to help or take on this project, let me know if you need me for anything.
Great idea! It would be wonderful if you had some options to control which fields from the pages/posts will be included in the sequence.
I am also devloping a drag and drop slideshow builder, like revolution slider. Almost finished but I want to use html5 data attribures :-| Is sequence support data attributes ???
@rahularyan Unfortunately not. See #205.
@IanLunn I spent some time adapting the modern slide theme for my work site. I built some mysql database tables to hold the information for each frame and group of frames
The frame table contains all info for each frame such as; layout, background theme, background image; text and image content. Along with several optional modifiers, such as block quotes and turning the frames into links. I tried getting video detection in place, but had to drop that feature for the time being.
The frame set table is really two columns, the group id and a csv of the frame ids in the frame table
If you're still after suggestions on this, I can show you further how we implemented sequence in this way.
Thanks @onebitrocket, I'm putting the WordPress plugin on hold for the time being in favour of Sequence v2 #235. I may come back to you in the future regarding this though!