Solution: https://github.com/ThemeFuse/Unyson/issues/4261#issuecomment-1223924349
> No helpful, as the error I get has nothing to do typography Same cause, i had both of these errors on my site. They are both caused by not...
Same problem here. Looks like Google Fonts API key is invalid on unyson cache site. Tried to generate my own api key and change url directly to google, but it...
Hello my solution: https://github.com/ThemeFuse/Unyson/issues/4261#issuecomment-1223924349
> Ok, I have some advice. It is not the solution and it is pretty shitty advice. I needed to hide the warning at least and this works so far....
> This solution will make the error go away, but fonts will still not be loaded. Just need to add an **(array)** to this section in your code. > >...
Hello my solution: https://github.com/ThemeFuse/Unyson/issues/4261#issuecomment-1223924349
Solution: https://github.com/ThemeFuse/Unyson/issues/4261#issuecomment-1223924349