AdderCircuitGenerator copied to clipboard
This script generates and analyzes prefix tree adders.
Adders Generator
This project generates and analyses adders with parallel carry calculation based on their prefix graph. This script also calculates the error of prefix graph and translates it into the directed acyclic graph suitable for Cartesian Genetic Programming. The result node list may be easily transfered into the other languages such as VHDL or C.
Ripple Carry Adder is the slowest yet the smallest adder user can use. For input bit vectors A
, B
; and carry vector C
, we calculate the sum via formulae: a_i XOR b_i XOR c_i = s_i
and c_i+1 = (a_i AND b_i) OR (c_i AND (a_i OR B_i))
, for each bit i
The problem with the delay solves so called Carry Look Ahead (CLA) adders. In which carry values are obtained by formulaes:
p_i = x_i OR y_i
g_i = x_i AND y_i
c_1 = g_0 OR p_0 AND c_0
c_2 = g_1 OR p_1 AND g_0 OR p_1 AND p_0 AND c_0
c_3 = g_2 OR p_2 AND g_1 OR p_2 AND p_1 AND g_0 OR p_2 AND p_1 AND p_0 AND c_0
in which c_0
is a carry in. Note that n
binary AND
gates can be replaced with one n-ary gate.
Prefix graph
In the case of adder design, we abstract the most gates with Propagate and Generate signals which are utilized in the CLA adders, see Figure 1 and Figure 2, in which each node, represents two formulae:
g_i = g_i OR (p_i and g_i-1)
p_i = p_i OR p_i-1
Fig1: 4-bit Carry Ripple Adder P/G signals
Example Simplified Matrix
bit: 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
o o o o o o o o
|\| | | \
o o o o o o o o [0, , ]
| |\| | \
o o o o o o o o [ , 1, ]
| | |\| \
o o o o o o o o [ , , 2]
Fig2: 4-bit Kogge-Stone Adder P/G signals
Example Simplified Matrix
bit: 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
o o o o o o o o [0, 1, 2]
|\|\|\| \ \ \
o o o o o o o o [ , 0, 1]
|\|\| | \ \
| \ \ | \ \
| |\|\| \ \
o o o o o o o o [ , , ]
We can create a lot of prefix tree graphs representating the adders. Nevertheless, there are three main adders - Brent Kung Adder, Kogge Stone Adder, and Sklansky Adder. Each differs in the terms of area, delay, or power.
Brent Kung
The algorithm calculates the prefix tree for the last output. Then creates inverse tree for the obtaining the rest values.
This adder is not the fastest, yet it has the lowest wiring tracks and fanout, which decreases area and delay respectively.
Kogge Stone
Kogge Stone creates prefix tree graph for each output.
This adder is considered as one of the fastest and largest (in the terms of area) adder. However in the last level, it has large amount of wiring tracks which may decrease the speed, see picture below.
Sklansky calculates carry sum of the prefixes for each output.
It is similar to KoggeStone yet the difference between them is in the fanout of nodes. See the last level in the picture below. It may have less used nodes, however, its delay grows with added fanout nodes.
Han Carlson
It is a combination of Kogge Stone and Brent Kung. The algorithm is partitioned into the three phases. In the first phase, we create a prefix tree of choosen depth and then we create the inverse tree in the last phase. The second phase has Kogge Stone architecture.
In the summary, Han Carlson Adders gives us a tradeoff between delay and wiring tracks. Below we can see its architecture with Brent-Kung of level 1.
Ladner Fischer
Ladner Fischer Adder is a combination of Kogge Stone and Brent Kung. Similary to Han Carlson, the algorithm is partitioned into the three phases. However, the second phase has Sklansky architecture.
Ladner Fischer Adders give us a tradeoff between delay and fanout. Below we can see the architecture with Brent-Kung of level 1.
This Adder is combination of KoggeStone and Sklansky adder. It gives us a tradeoff between wirings and fanouts.
Use Python 3.6 and better versions.
Firstly, import the adders. Adders are generated by specified circuit algorithm; in this particular case, we generate 8-bit Kogge-Stone adder. For detailed documentation of other adders, read doxygen comments in the file
> from adders import *
> bitwidth = 8
> adder = KoggeStone(bitwidth)
We print the structure by Pythonic function print()
> print(adder)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
We can also see parameters of the adder.
> adder.nodes, adder.delay, adder.fanout, adder.wiring
(17, 3, 1, 4)
Resulting circuit is obtained by calling adder.cgp_nodes()
which represents circuit as a list of operations in postfix notation ended by primary outputs. Primary inputs are two ranges of numbers. The first one represents an input vector A
and its values are in the range(0, bitwidth)
. The second one represents an input vector B
and its values are in the range(bitwidth, bitwidth*2)
. Then we assign indexes to each node in the list starting with bitwidth*2
to bitwidth*2 + len(chrom)
. Each node in the list is represented by two integers (pointing to primary inputs or previous node) and its operation. If this is not clear enough, please see some presentation about Cartesian Genetic Programming -- chromosome representation.
> adder.cgp_nodes()
[[15, 7, 'AND'], [14, 6, 'AND'], [13, 5, 'AND'], [12, 4, 'AND'], [11, 3, 'AND'], [10, 2, 'AND'], [9, 1, 'AND'], [8, 0, 'AND'], [15, 7, 'XOR'], [14, 6, 'XOR'], [13, 5, 'XOR'], [12, 4, 'XOR'], [11, 3, 'XOR'], [10, 2, 'XOR'], [9, 1, 'XOR'], [8, 0, 'XOR'], [31, 22, 'AND'], [23, 32, 'OR'], [31, 30, 'AND'], [30, 21, 'AND'], [22, 35, 'OR'], [30, 29, 'AND'], [29, 20, 'AND'], [21, 38, 'OR'], [29, 28, 'AND'], [28, 19, 'AND'], [20, 41, 'OR'], [28, 27, 'AND'], [27, 18, 'AND'], [19, 44, 'OR'], [27, 26, 'AND'], [26, 17, 'AND'], [18, 47, 'OR'], [26, 25, 'AND'], [25, 16, 'AND'], [17, 50, 'OR'], [34, 39, 'AND'], [33, 52, 'OR'], [34, 40, 'AND'], [37, 42, 'AND'], [36, 55, 'OR'], [37, 43, 'AND'], [40, 45, 'AND'], [39, 58, 'OR'], [40, 46, 'AND'], [43, 48, 'AND'], [42, 61, 'OR'], [43, 49, 'AND'], [46, 51, 'AND'], [45, 64, 'OR'], [49, 16, 'AND'], [48, 66, 'OR'], [54, 65, 'AND'], [53, 68, 'OR'], [57, 67, 'AND'], [56, 70, 'OR'], [60, 51, 'AND'], [59, 72, 'OR'], [63, 16, 'AND'], [62, 74, 'OR'], [25, 16, 'XOR'], [26, 51, 'XOR'], [27, 67, 'XOR'], [28, 65, 'XOR'], [29, 75, 'XOR'], [30, 73, 'XOR'], [31, 71, 'XOR'], [69, 82, 81, 80, 79, 78, 77, 76, 24]]
The circuit can be also trnaslated into a pseudocode by calling adder.toPseudocode()
Examples of Generating Adders
Here is a brief example how to generate other adders.
> from adders import *
> bitwidth = 16
> level = 2
> holy_trinity = [Sklansky(bitwidth), KoggeStone(bitwidth), BrentKung(bitwidth)]
> LadnerFischer(bitwidth, level)
> HanCarlson(bitwidth, level)
> Knowles(bitwidth, maxfanout=2)
> Knowles(bitwidth, maxwiring=4).toPseudocode()
If you have any other ideas, how to improve this script. Please, contact me.