Exquisite icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Exquisite copied to clipboard

Screenshot testing utility


CircleCI MIT Licence

Easy Screenshot testing.

Screenshot testing is a kind of end-to-end testing where all the parts of your application are being tested. Exquisite takes a screenshot of your webpage and compares it pixel by pixel against a reference image in a short amount of time.

Screenshot testing is useful in some environments where snapshot-testing or even selenium cannot be used easily.

Think about checking if a map is well painted where most of the components are fragments of images (tiles) mixed with vector graphics where selenium only sees a canvasElement. The only way to know if the content is correct is the human eye.

expected actual
map1 map2

Can you spot the differences in those two maps? Exquisite can (in less than 3 seconds!)


Exquisite needs "node": ">=6.9.0"

Install the app as a regular node module, using yarn or npm install.

yarn add exquisite-sst



Compare a screenshot against a reference image.

  • params.url: Url to take the screenshot from. Default: undefined. Required.
  • params.input: Path to the reference image. Default: original.png
  • params.output: Path where the screenshot is saved. Default: output.png
  • params.delay: Milliseconds to wait between the page-loaded event and the screenshot. Default: 0
  • params.viewportWidth: With of the browser screen. Default: 1440
  • params.viewportHeight: Height of the browser screen. Default: 900
  • params.deviceScaleFactor: Specify device pixel ratio. Default: 1
  • params.headless: Use a headless browser. Default: false
  • params.threshold: Image diff threshold. Default: 0.1
  • params.waitForFn: The screenshot will be taken only when this function returns true. Default: undefined
    • This can be a function or a string containing the function code.
    • When this is parameter is given the delay is ignored.
  • params.consoleFn: The output of the chrome console will be redirected to this funcion. Default: undefined
    • Callback is called with consoleMessages
    • This can only be a function so it cannot be used from the command line
  • params.pageEvents: You can add handlers for events Puppeteer's Page object. This is useful to detect errors within the page. Default:
        error: console.error,
        pageerror: console.error,
        requestfailed: console.error,


Take a screenshot and save it as a reference image.

  • params.url: Url to take the screenshot from. Default: undefined. Required.
  • params.output: Path where the screenshot is saved. Default: output.png
  • params.delay: Milliseconds to wait between the page-loaded event and the screenshot. Default: 0
  • params.viewportWidth: With of the browser screen. Default: 1440
  • params.viewportHeight: Height of the browser screen. Default: 900
  • params.headless: Use a headless browser. Default: false
  • params.waitForFn: The screenshot will be taken only when this function returns true. Default: undefined
    • This can be a function or a string containing the function code.
    • When this is parameter is given the delay is ignored.
  • params.consoleFn: The output of the chrome console will be redirected to this funcion. Default: undefined
    • Callback is called with consoleMessages
    • This can only be a function so it cannot be used from the command line
  • params.pageEvents: You can add handlers for events Puppeteer's Page object. This is useful to detect errors within the page. Default:
        error: console.error,
        pageerror: console.error,
        requestfailed: console.error,


Get a reference image

const path = require('path');
// Require the package
const exquisite = require('exquisite-sst');

// Path where the reference screenshot will be stored.
const output = path.resolve(__dirname, 'google.png');
// Url to take the screenshot from
const url = 'https://google.com';
// Get the reference
exquisite.getReference({ url, output }).then(console.log).catch(console.error);

Compare the screenshot against a reference.

const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');

// Require the package
const exquisite = require('exquisite-sst');
// Wait 2000 ms after the loaded event to take the screenshot
const delay = 2000;
// Reference image
const input = path.resolve(__dirname, 'reference.png');
// Path where the screenshot will be saved
const output = path.resolve(__dirname, 'map.png');
// Url to take the screenshot from
const url = 'https://google.com';
// Take the screenshot and compare it against the reference image.
exquisite.test({ input, output, url, delay }).then(differentPixels => {
    // Delete the screenshot
    // Log the result
    console.log(`Images are ${differentPixels === 0 ? 'equal' : 'different'}`);


Yo can use exquisite from the command line using the same parameters described in the API

Add the --reference flag to take the reference screenshot.

# Install exquisite-sst globally
npm install -g exquisite-sst
# Generate the reference image for google
exquisite-sst --reference --url http://www.example.com --output reference.png --delay 200 
# Compare the reference image against a new screenshot 
exquisite-sst --url http://www.google.com --input reference.png 
# Compare the reference image against a new screenshot waiting 200 ms to take the screenshot
exquisite-sst --url http://www.example.com --input reference.png --delay 200 
# Compare the reference image against a new screenshot waiting the background to be red
exquisite-sst --url http://www.example.com --input reference.png --waitForFn "document.body.style.background === 'red'"

Using cloudinary for debugging.

When using exquisite in a CI environment like travis it could be useful to watch the screenshots of the failed tests.

You can use the cloudinary api to save and compare the taken screenshots.

const exquisite = require('exquisite-sst');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const delay = 2000;

// Use cloudinary to upload screenshots for manual debugging
const cloudinary = require('cloudinary');
// Configure cloudinary using env vars to prevent exposing private credentials.
    cloud_name: process.env.CLOUD,
    api_key: process.env.API_KEY,
    api_secret: process.env.API_SECRET

// Example using mocha
describe('Image comparing', () => {
    it('Should return true when the reference and the url screenshot are equal', () => {
        const input = path.resolve(__dirname, 'reference/i1.png');
        const output = path.resolve(__dirname, 'reference/i1_out.png');
        const url = 'https://iago-carto.carto.com/builder/fe05bdc5-af40-4227-9944-ba31e3493728/embed';
        return exquisite.test({ input, output, url, delay }).then(differentPixels => {
             // Delete the taken screenshot
            // If the result is not the expected, upload the screenshots and make the test fail
            if (differentPixels > 0) {
                throw new Error(`${url}: Screenshot doesn't match!`);


The tests are build to run on travis, dont worry if failing on your machine!

yarn test