Ingo Schwarz

Results 59 comments of Ingo Schwarz

Hi @sanakalam, you should set the table size to the screen size (match-parent) and then use the TableColumnWeightModel. There you can give a weight for each column. Best regards, Ingo

Hi @sanakalam, then check the width/height of your parent layout(s). The match_parent is not doing what you expect if e.g. the parent has size wrap_content. In the example application you...

Hi @amrashraf1992, instead of setting a new data adapter to the table I would recommend to update the data inside the adapter using the `TableDataAdapter.getData()` method.

Hi @kk99999, no, this is not a pro feature. In version 2.2.0 you set the column width using `TableView#setColumnWeight(final int columnIndex, final int columnWeight)`. You can find the readme file...

Hi @Baneeishaque, unfortunatelly this feature is not available. But it is part of the new generation of this library which can be found at []( This library is based on...

Hi @gustavobrunoro, the Importamt Line is this one: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroidx/swiperefreshlayout/widget/SwipeRefreshLayout Please add the following dependencies: dependencies { implementation "androidx.swiperefreshlayout:swiperefreshlayout:1.1.0" }

Hi @msquare097, the reason why this method is final is because it contains the main logic that makes the table a table. If this method is overridden by somebody who...

Hi Marcin, I will do some tests to see, if this improves the UI for the user. Best regards, Ingo

Hi @marcinkunert, there are currently more issues regarding the visibility of the table header. If you don't need the possibility to set a absolute TableColumnModel, you can use the version...

Hi @sakaravinth, you can implement a custom TableDataRowBackgroundProvider. The pro version of this library also comes with SelectionHelper which is handling exactly this use case. Best regards, Ingo