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SortableTableView copied to clipboard

An Android library containing a simple TableView and an advanced SortableTableView providing a lot of customisation possibilities to fit all needs.

Results 51 SortableTableView issues
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Hi I implement this library using kotlin however the records are not showing only the headers. ``` implementation 'androidx.swiperefreshlayout:swiperefreshlayout:1.1.0' implementation 'com.github.ISchwarz23:SortableTableView:2.8.1' ``` layout.xml ``` ``` Fragment.kt ``` private lateinit var...

I new with the TableView component. Is there some one who can show me, how to read. one single Cell value. If i am understand right public void onDataClicked -...

I'm using `Tablayout`, `Viewpager2` and `SortTableView`. The `SortTableView` has many `columns`, so the length of the `SortTableView` exceeds the width of the screen. When I want to `scroll` on the...

I am unable to set SimpleTableDataAdapter inside Fragment. `tableView.setDataAdapter(new SimpleTableDataAdapter(this, body));` I have tried using the following, but none works. `tableView.setDataAdapter(new SimpleTableDataAdapter(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), body));` `tableView.setDataAdapter(new SimpleTableDataAdapter(getActivity(), body));`

help wanted

There way where horizontal scroll not work when use vertical scroll ?

I've been trying to setup table to be non-scrollable and have height based on the content but it results with tables not being rendered until clicked / tapped. The initial...

I am facing the following problem when trying to generate the table android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line # 17: Binary XML file line # 17: Error inflating class de.codecrafters.tableview.TableView Caused...

![budBUbG]( How to solve this?

I need to save scroll status even if after "setDataAdapter". How i can do this ?

help wanted

I'm trying to find an easy way to set (change) the background color of selected a row when its clicked on and keep the background color after sorting rows. Do...
