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All data specifications - code list descriptions -> link to INSPIRE registry
Change proposal description
For all data specifications: replace the code list descriptions with a link to the code list in the INSPIRE registry.
Addressed TG
All data specifications.
This will impact sections 5.3.2 "Feature catalogue" and Annex C "Code list values".
Issue faced
The IR on the interoperability of spatial data sets and services will be amended soon, see also this presentation from the 13th MIG meeting: the code list and enumeration values in the regulation will be replaced with a reference to the INSPIRE registry.
Proposed solution
As a consequence, all data specifications should be updated when the amendment is in force: the code list values should be removed and a reference to the relevant code list in the INSPIRE registry should be added instead.
Pull request
TBD when all the data specifications are on GitHub.
Additional information
Kind of issue
Technical issue
Relevant legislation
"Common code lists" in the IR on the interoperability of spatial data sets and services
Impact on IR
No impact.
Impact on INSPIRE validator
No impact.
Linked issue
Impact on INSPIRE XML schemas
No impact.
Linked issue
Impact on INSPIRE code lists
No impact
Linked issue
Change proposer
Heidi Vanparys, helpdesk facilitator.
This issue was created after investigating issues #3 and #1 and discussing those during the subgroup meeting of 01-07-2021. Resolution of this issue would solve those two issues.