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View Services TG - Deprecate WMS 1.1.1
Change proposal description
This change proposal aims at deprecating the use of WMS 1.1.1 to provide INSPIRE View Services.
Addressed TG
All occurrences of WMS 1.1.1 in the View Service TG should be removed, thus leaving WMS 1.3.0 as the only WMS version allowed. A commit showing the exact sections to be removed is available here; in addition, Annex A and Annex B should be completely removed.
Issue faced
WMS 1.1.1 is an old standard, published by the OGC in 2002 and then soon (2006) updated with WMS 1.3.0. As such, it is currently rarely used in INSPIRE, since almost all WMS software implementations provide support for version 1.3.0 by default. In addition, the View Services TG (drafted more than ten years ago), while still allowing the use of WMS 1.1.1, already recommended the use of WMS 1.3.0. Finally, in constrast to WMS 1.3.0 which uses XML Schema, WMS 1.1.1 uses Document Type Definition (DTD) and DOCTYPE, which should not be allowed for security reasons (see here). See also a discussion about WMS 1.1.1 support in the ETF (on which the INSPIRE Reference Validator is based) here.
Proposed solution
Remove all occurrences of WMS 1.1.1 in the View Service TG.
Pull request
Additional information
Relevant legislation
Impact on IR
No impact on IR.
Impact on INSPIRE validator
The INSPIRE Reference Validator currently uses ETF 2.0, which does not trigger the securirty exception described here (relevant to ETF 2.1). However, the Validator only supports validation against WMS 1.3.0. When a WMS 1.1.1 service is validated, the Validator automatically changes the request to use version 1.3.0 of the service: if this exists, the validation is performed without issues; if this is not available, the Validator triggers an error (see this issue in the Validator helpdesk).
Linked issue
Impact on INSPIRE XML schemas
No impact
Impact on INSPIRE code lists
No impact
Change proposer
Joint Research Centre (JRC)
All relevant links were provided above.