I probably haven't explained myself well, I know how a DMR repeater works, but with radio 878 it transmits even if there is a signal on a different slot, something...
Are you sure it's the same Issue? You have enabled Quick Call4 as I have shown in the photos? I am already an administrator on my PC but anyway I...
Explain point 1 : Frequecies | Menu' D878 | CPS editor | Info | | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | | | | ...
I can reply Issue , i have found 2 DMR commercial repeater when i tune on our frequency after about 1 minute the radio hang , and must remove battery...
I' m ready for Italian
Sorry Travis im not sure to understood, must to write in strings.txt somthing like this ? : ``` # 0xc53c0 28 13 Delete Entry? it Cancellare? # 0xc53dc 26 12...
Sorry again for my inexperience , I have add parts of italian language in my file strings.txt but where i can send?
Something i can not clear for me , I enter directory locales , I run make clean flash-it , i write the radio .When the radio go on have write...
Ok Travis , i understand , but the language inside dont change its only English , if write for example flash-es i mast have Spanish language inside or not ?
The only language that i dont have tested ;-) Hi Hi .Now its all clear . I testing with Hungarian for now , i want test the max number of...