QtPass copied to clipboard
[Windows] Encoding problem in password and extra lines
Hello! I have some passwords that have some extra lines, and QtPass don't handle special chars in panel and in edit box.
i.e: "configurações" turns to be "configurações" in QtPass.
When I use gpg directly from Powershell/command line to save decrypted file, I get the expected text in UTF-8.
- There's something to do with QtPass to read and show the decrypted output in UTF-8?
- If I had some password using special chars in UTF-8 QtPass will not handle it? -- I created a new password using QtPass. This password contains special chars and I put "configurações" in the extra line. Result: Pass: "áéÃóúãããããããã" Extra line: "configurações" -- Saved in extra line "§" got "§" in panel, edit box and clipboard, just like #91
I'm using Windows 10 1803 with QtPass 1.2.3 (and installed gnupg-w32-2.2.9_20180712)
I installed QtPass in Arch Linux and the encoding is OK (creating new password with special chars and decrypting that password with "configurações" in it)
I have not debugged, but my best guess is that the problem is with these lines in executor.cpp: QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale(); QString pout = codec->toUnicode(internal.readAllStandardOutput()); QString perr = codec->toUnicode(internal.readAllStandardError()); Here the output from the program is converted from the local code page to Unicode. However if the output isn't in the local code page (and for the file data when decrypting it will be in whatever it was originally stored as) that results in such breakage. This seems somewhat inconsistent with what we do on encoding, since the input we always convert to utf8! This issue should be reproducible on Linux when setting the code page to a non-UTF-8 one. It's just that Windows is nowadays probably the only system so stuck in the past that it doesn't use UTF-8 by default... I think a likely reasonable, though rather ugly solution is to simply try to always interpret stdout as UTF-8, and only treat it as local code page if it's not valid UTF-8. Likelyhood of non-UTF-8 data being valid encoding should be low enough that that seems like a reasonable risk to take.
In that respect, UTF-8 has some nice properties. Specifically, it's possible to completely verify a given sequence of bytes, whether it is valid utf-8. Not only that, but any ASCII (7-bit) text is valid, and upper ascii is not. So, if you get something that's not valid UTF-8, it's probably a local encoding. The converse is also almost always true, which is that any text in a local encoding, that uses characters above 127 is not valid UTF-8. For example, according to https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-validator-charset-check
If the encoding selected or detected is US-ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16, or iso-2022-jp (Japanese JIS), and the validator does not complain about encoding problems, there is an extremely high probability that the selected encoding is correct. Note that US-ASCII is a strict subset of UTF-8, and so if US-ASCII works, UTF-8 will work, too.
This tells me that your proposed solution is in fact not that ugly.
Although, that being said, QString::fromUtf8
tries to parse the input as UTF-8, but if it's not valid, it still outputs something, rather than throwing an exception. That seems sub-optimal. https://stackoverflow.com/a/18228382/2660408 provides an example of how to validate UTF-8 in QT.
To quickly debug this I've tried decrypting a file from the password-store manually using gpg on the command line. This already shows broken encoding upon decrypt (gpg -d) for any special chars. Decrypting the file on Linux gpg shows the correctly encoded password (even if this password was previously encrypted on a Windows machine).
This leads me to believe that the problem might not lie within QtPass but rather gpg4win as QtPass is just parsing the output of the gpg command in native mode. It could be related to this task on the gpg4win tracker: https://dev.gnupg.org/T2281
I don't use gpg4win, rather the simple installer of GnuGP ( https://gnupg.org/ftp/gcrypt/binary/gnupg-w32-2.2.11_20181106.exe). This issue appears only in QtPass (nor gpg directly or browserpass)
gpg just decodes the data in the file, it doesn't deal with text encoding, it neither can nor should (the linked gnupg ticket is only about things like status/error messages, help text etc. not the actual data in the file which we care about for this issue). All you are testing by running GPG is whether the terminal program you are using is using UTF-8 encoding or not. The pull request fixes the issue, I tested it with a few öäü which were broken before and fine after.
And another reminder: this is NOT a Windows-specific issue. It will happen on ANY non-UTF-8 locale. Which a lot of old RedHat 6 and similar installs still use. So some Linux user will be affected as well.
I'd like to report this issue is still happening on clean (sandbox) Windows 10 with Gpg4Win.