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I would like to easily view an existing page annotation/transcription that has been represented in TEI without word, line or paragraph coordinates.
I would like to easily view an existing page annotation/transcription that has been represented in TEI without word, line or paragraph coordinates.
A similar use case would involve parallel page transcriptions and translations.
Proposed Solutions
References to TEI documents can be made at manifest level in seeAlso
statements, but linking to them removes a user from the image viewing environment. A solution that exposes the transcribed text within a viewer, or which represents transcriptions and (potentially multiple) translations in selectable layers, may be desirable. Transcriptions (and translations) can be represented in one or more annotation lists, but would lack coordinate information (or be mapped to the overall canvas dimensions).
Additional Background
A TEI text snippet illustrates aligning transcription and translation to IIIF resources, but without coordinates data:
<div xml:id="original">
<pb xml:id="FO18252" n="1" facs="https://iiif.ucd.ie/loris/ivrla:3850/full/full/0/default.jpg"/>
<div xml:id="OTP18252">
<fw type="pageNum">recto</fw>
<p corresp="TTP18252P0" xml:id="OTP18252P0">{written within a border of single rules}<lb/>
I regret to say I am too old<lb/>
to attempt to answer letters<lb/>
and that I wish I could send<lb/>
Mr <rs ref="#S11277">Stafford</rs>? a better autograph<lb/>
than this.<lb/>
<p corresp="TTP18252P1" xml:id="OTP18252P1"> July 16. 1889<lb/>
<p corresp="TTP18252P2" xml:id="OTP18252P2">
<rs ref="#S11278">John H Newman</rs>
<div xml:id="translation">
<pb xml:id="FT18252" n="1" facs="https://iiif.ucd.ie/loris/ivrla:3850/full/full/0/default.jpg"/>
<div xml:id="TTP18252">
<fw type="pageNum">recto</fw>
<p corresp="OTP18252P0" xml:id="TTP18252P0">Ich bedauere zu sagen, ich bin zu alt<lb/>
um zu versuchen, Briefe zu beantworten<lb/>
und daß ich wünsche, ich könne<lb/>
dem Herrn Stafford? ein besseres Autogramm senden,<lb/>
als dieses.<lb/>
<p corresp="OTP18252P1" xml:id="TTP18252P1"> Juli 16. 1889<lb/>
<p corresp="OTP18252P2" xml:id="TTP18252P2"> John H Newman
Where do you envisage storing the text snippet? Is it embedded in the manifest or retrieved dynamically via a URL?