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it seems like the pnpMPA model and pnpMPA.sym have different pin-orders
in the file IHP-Open-PDK-dev/ihp-sg13g2/libs.tech/ngspice/models/sg13g2_hbt_mod.lib
there is a model:
.subckt pnpMPA e b c
.param a=2p p=6u ac=13.33p pc=14.64u
+ dev_a=a*1e12 dev_p=p*1e6 sub_a=ac*1e12 sub_p=pc*1e6
QpnpMPA e b c pnpMPA_mod area=dev_a
but if i run the netlist-generation of Xschem for IHP-Open-PDK-dev/ihp-sg13g2/libs.tech/xschem/sg13g2_tests/dc_pnpMPA.sch
it generates:
** sch_path: IHP-Open-PDK-dev/ihp-sg13g2/libs.tech/xschem/sg13g2_tests/dc_pnpMPA.sch
**.subckt dc_pnpMPA
XQ1 net3 net1 E1 pnpMPA
Ve net2 E1 0
.save i(ve)
Vb net1 GND 0
.save i(vb)
Vc net3 GND 0
.save i(vc)
I0 GND net2 1u
it seems to me that c
and e
are interchanged somewhere.
i think the description of the model is wrong and should be QpnpMPA c b e pnpMPA_mod area=dev_a
because the gain of the transistor is a bit over 1, and thats like in the measurement data, where the gain is typical about 1.5.
and if i flip the pnpMPA in the test-circuit so that c
is e
and versa vice, the gain is much lower.
i would also like to know, why the different DUT-measurements of the pnpMPA in IHP-Open-PDK-dev/ihp-sg13g2/libs.doc/meas/pnpMPA
are that different. i dont see any differences in the headers of fg_vcb0_d0406_DUT1.mdm .. DUT17.mdm
, its always
TNOM "27"
TEMP "27"
LOT "PQA701"
WAFER "17"
CHIP "d0406"
MODULE "T323_pnpMPA"
so i would think, the data should be more or less the same for all DUTs
the comments section has a specific DUT defined for each of the .mdm files, and these are different:
on the pin order, I'm checking internally
thanks a lot!
Hi @olisnr, we uploaded to the repository the measurement documentation for the pnpMPA
device (link) - could you please check it and give your feedback if there are still some open questions regarding the device
If this is the case maybe we should have a video call then
hello sergeiandreyev
2 html files have a naming problem:
should be meas_pnpMPA.htm
should be meas_pnpMPA_new.htm
the documentation is clear.
but the model has still E and C flipped:
there is also a link-problem in the HBT doc:
points to file:///home/ich/share/pdk/ihp-sg13g2/libs.doc/meas/HBT/doc/html_npn13g2_VBIC/reszoom_S22.htm
but should to file:///home/ich/share/pdk/ihp-sg13g2/libs.doc/meas/HBT/doc/html_npn13g2_VBIC/reszoom_s22.htm
Hi @olisnr, finally we can confirm the issue - could you please double check the fix on your side as well?
@olisnr, gentle reminder
Yes. its fixed. thanks!