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How to use custom fonts once they are added?
Following the README, I have created binary headers for two fonts (Helvetica and Helvetica Bold). I have added the fonts successfully, but I don't see how to access the ImFont*
for use with ImGui::PushFont()
. Outside of Unreal, I use the IO->Fonts
directly and get an ImFont*
to reference when I add a font. Inside this plug-in, it looks like nothing captures/references the ImFont*
when it is added (ImGuiContextManager.cpp:282). Help?
#pragma once
#ifdef IMGUI_API
#define WITH_IMGUI 1
#define WITH_IMGUI 0
#include <imgui.h>
#include "ImGuiModule.h"
#include "Helvetica.h"
#include "HelveticaBold.h"
#include "IconsFontAwesome6.h"
#include <map>
enum class FontType : uint8_t
typedef std::map<FontType, float> FontSizeMap;
typedef std::map<FontType, ImFont*> FontTypeMap;
class MyClass {
FontTypeMap mFontTypeMap {};
// Called from actor+
inline void loadFonts()
static const ImWchar IconRange[] { ICON_MIN_FA, ICON_MAX_FA, 0 };
FontSizeMap fontSizeMap {
{ FontType::Default, 14.0f },
{ FontType::LargeTitle, 32.0f },
{ FontType::Title, 16.0f },
{ FontType::Small, 9.0f }
for ( const auto& iter : fontSizeMap ) {
const FontType t { iter.first };
const float sz { iter.second };
const bool bold { t == FontType::LargeTitle };
if ( TSharedPtr<ImFontConfig> fontConfig { MakeShareable( new ImFontConfig {} ) } ) {
fontConfig->FontDataOwnedByAtlas = false;
fontConfig->FontData = bold ? (void*)HelveticaBold_data : (void*)Helvetica_data;
fontConfig->FontDataSize = bold ? HelveticaBold_size : Helvetica_size;
fontConfig->SizePixels = sz;
fontConfig->MergeMode = true;
fontConfig->GlyphRanges = IconRange;
fontConfig->GlyphMinAdvanceX = 16.0f;
fontConfig->PixelSnapH = false;
fontConfig->GlyphOffset = { 0, 3 };
std::string fontName { bold ? "HelveticaBold" : "Helvetica" };
fontName += std::to_string( (int32_t)sz );
FImGuiModule::Get().GetProperties().AddCustomFont( UTF8_TO_TCHAR( fontName.c_str() ), fontConfig );
ImFont* font = nullptr; /* How do I access this font for use with ImGui::PushFont() ? */
mFontTypeMap[ t ] = font;
// Fonts were added successfully
if ( GEngine ) {
for ( const auto& iter : FImGuiModule::Get().GetProperties().GetCustomFonts() ) {=
//iter.Value is ImFontConfig -- how do I get the actual font?
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage( -1, 15.0f, FColor::Yellow, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *iter.Key.ToString() ) );
I figured it out. I changed this: https://github.com/IDI-Systems/UnrealImGui/blob/master/Source/ImGui/Private/ImGuiContextManager.cpp#L282
To this:
ImFont* font { FontAtlas.AddFont( CustomFontConfig.Get() ) };
font->ContainerAtlas = &FontAtlas;
You need to tell the font which container atlas it is using if you aren't managing fonts through IO.
Oh sorry, I remember reading this and then totally forgot about it!
Would you consider opening a pull request with that change?
I'll try. Against a deadline atm. The issue there is that I did a lot of other project-specific customization to this plug-in that you wouldn't want in a PR.
This is now available in 834d545.