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How to set the path
usage: DETR training and evaluation script [-h] --config_file CONFIG_FILE [--options OPTIONS [OPTIONS ...]] [--dataset_file DATASET_FILE] [--coco_path COCO_PATH] [--remove_difficult] [--fix_size] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--note NOTE] [--device DEVICE] [--seed SEED] [--resume RESUME] [--pretrain_model_path PRETRAIN_MODEL_PATH] [--finetune_ignore FINETUNE_IGNORE [FINETUNE_IGNORE ...]] [--start_epoch N] [--eval] [--num_workers NUM_WORKERS] [--test] [--debug] [--find_unused_params] [--save_results] [--save_log] [--world_size WORLD_SIZE] [--dist_url DIST_URL] [--rank RANK] [--local_rank LOCAL_RANK] [--amp] DETR training and evaluation script: error: the following arguments are required: --config_file/-c
How these paths need to be set up?I'm new and can't understand.