AMLSim copied to clipboard
tx_log.csv being created in wrong directory?
Playing with AMLSim for the first time for a dissertation project. Getting an error on this step - python3 scripts/ conf.json
Simulation name: sample
Load alert groups: alert_members.csv
Convert transaction list from tmp/sample/tx_log.csv to transactions.csv, cash_tx.csv and alert_transactions.csv
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/", line 912, in
@apkil I have a pr for this currently open. You can apply the one-line fix in your local until I get it merged.
@apkil This is has been fixed and merged. This issue is resolved. Thanks.
Thanks for the fix @nelsonjd. I applied the fix locally as suggested that day to move ahead. I was able to generate the data for sample simulation. Now I need to understand the param files to generate data for different typologies. Any resources to help me in that direction would be great?
Sorry to hijack this thread, but thought I would reach out for quick help. I am new to AMLSim world, I am trying to get data for my dissertation that involves Use of Machine Learning in AML. To evaluate different models what would you suggest I should use from your example dataset, something that is close to the real world and a mix of a few typologies? Would version v2.1 be suitable for that? As I am running short on time for the dissertation I have limited time to explore AMLSim in-depth to generate my own data. Would really appreciate your guidance. Thanks Kapil