AMLSim copied to clipboard
Building AMLSim project shows Compilation Errors
Steps: Generated paysim.jar using steps mentioned here : Attached file ( paySim.jar)
Also i imported maven project from and generated jar, Attached file ( PaySim-Snaphsot.jar)
with both times, i get this compilation errors building
Attached logs :
I am sorry to make trouble for you about compilations. I could not download the logs you attached (the zenhub page says "file not found"), but I found some dependencies and links are missing at this wiki page, and then I add them. Would you download additional jar files for these links and try it again?
Now I add the paysim.jar we currently use to jars directory.
Hi @hkanezashi , Thanks for your reply.
I copied paysim.jar
from . Here's my jar directory
[root@testgraph1 jars]# ll /root/AMLSim-master/jars
total 63428
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 307 Jul 9 03:43 commons-math3-3.6.1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18577952 Mar 21 2016 commons-math3-3.6.1-bin.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2213560 Jul 9 08:10 commons-math3-3.6.1.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2975563 Jul 9 08:11 commons-math3-3.6.1-tests.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12008 Jul 9 08:11 commons-math3-3.6.1-tools.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 438826 Jul 9 00:16 dsiutils-2.4.2.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18707271 Jul 9 00:16 fastutil-8.1.0.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 69344 Jul 9 00:16 jsap-2.1.jar
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 123 Aug 18 2014 mason
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19887544 Jun 19 2015
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1004838 Jun 23 01:57 mysql-connector-java-5.1.46.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 74796 Jul 15 06:32 paysim.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 735 Jun 3 19:29
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 41203 Jul 9 00:16 slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 394345 Jul 9 06:19 sux4j-4.2.0.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 379254 Jul 9 06:25 webgraph-3.6.1.jar
Now executing below command again shows same error
[root@testgraph1 AMLSim-master]# sh scripts/
src/amlsim/ error: package sim.engine does not exist
import sim.engine.SimState;
src/amlsim/ error: package sim.engine does not exist
import sim.engine.Steppable;
src/amlsim/ error: cannot access Steppable
public class Account extends Client implements Steppable {
class file for sim.engine.Steppable not found
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
public void step(SimState state) {
symbol: class SimState
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
public void handleAction(SimState state) {
symbol: class SimState
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot access SimState
public class AMLSim extends ParameterizedPaySim {
class file for sim.engine.SimState not found
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
public void handleAction(SimState state){
symbol: class SimState
location: class FraudAccount
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol = "-";
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.model = null;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol = id;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.startStep = start;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.endStep = end;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.extraAttributes = attrs;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
case AbstractTransactionModel.SINGLE: this.model = new SingleTransactionModel(); break;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
case AbstractTransactionModel.FANOUT: this.model = new FanOutTransactionModel(); break;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
case AbstractTransactionModel.FANIN: this.model = new FanInTransactionModel(); break;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
case AbstractTransactionModel.MUTUAL: this.model = new MutualTransactionModel(); break;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
case AbstractTransactionModel.FORWARD: this.model = new ForwardTransactionModel(); break;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
case AbstractTransactionModel.PERIODICAL: this.model = new PeriodicalTransactionModel(); break;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
default: System.err.println("Unknown model ID: " + modelID); this.model = new EmptyModel(); break;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
this.model.setParameters(init_balance, start, end);
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.cashInModel = new CashInModel();
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
this.cashInModel.setParameters(init_balance, start, end);
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.cashOutModel = new CashOutModel();
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
this.cashOutModel.setParameters(init_balance, start, end);
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.startStep = AbstractTransactionModel.generateStartStep();
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
return this.extraAttributes.get(name);
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
return this.startStep;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
return this.endStep;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.caseSubject = flag;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
return this.caseSubject;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.branch = branch;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
return this.branch;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
dest.origs.put(, this);
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
dest.origs.put(, this);
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
this.tx_types.put(, ttype);
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
}else if(!this.tx_types.isEmpty()){
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(this.tx_types.values());
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
return new ArrayList<>(this.origs.values());
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
return new ArrayList<>(this.dests.values());
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
src/amlsim/ error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
if(currentStep < this.startStep || this.endStep < currentStep){
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
if(currentStep < this.startStep || this.endStep < currentStep){
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
ag.registerTransactions(step, this);
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
long step = amlsim.schedule.getSteps();
symbol: variable schedule
location: variable amlsim of type AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol = c.getID();
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: method getBalance()
location: variable c of type Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: method getCurrency()
location: variable c of type Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: method getNumDeposits()
location: variable c of type Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: method getNumTransfers()
location: variable c of type Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: method getNumWithdraws()
location: variable c of type Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.origs = c.origs;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.dests = c.dests;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
return "C" +;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.probList = probList;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.paramFile = paramFile;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.stepHandler = stepHandler;
symbol: variable this
location: class Account
src/amlsim/ error: incompatible types: AMLSim cannot be converted to PaySim
return amlsim;
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable super
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable super
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable this
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
int index = this.idMap.get(id);
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
return (Account) this.getClients().get(index);
symbol: variable this
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable this
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
System.err.println("Cannot load account file: " + this.accountFile);
symbol: variable this
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable this
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
System.err.println("Cannot load transaction file: " + this.transactionFile);
symbol: variable this
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable this
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
System.err.println("Cannot load fraud file: " + this.alertFile);
symbol: variable this
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable super
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable super
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
Properties prop = this.getParamters();
symbol: variable this
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.numBranches = Integer.parseInt(this.getParamters().getProperty("numBranches"));
symbol: variable this
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.numBranches = Integer.parseInt(this.getParamters().getProperty("numBranches"));
symbol: variable this
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
if(this.numBranches <= 0){
symbol: variable this
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
for(int i=0; i<this.numBranches; i++) {
symbol: variable this
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: package this does not exist
this.branches.add(new Branch(i));
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.accountFile = this.getParamters().getProperty("accountFile");
symbol: variable this
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.accountFile = this.getParamters().getProperty("accountFile");
symbol: variable this
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.transactionFile = this.getParamters().getProperty("transactionFile");
symbol: variable this
location: class AMLSim
src/amlsim/ error: cannot find symbol
this.transactionFile = this.getParamters().getProperty("transactionFile");
symbol: variable this
location: class AMLSim
100 errors
Can you help me to fix this issue please? Thanks
Dear @sunilnagaraja, thank you for sharing your logs.
According to the file list in jars
directory and the error logs, the reason is that mason.18.jar
is not located just under the jars directory (maybe under jars/mason
directory, but our compilation script cannot find).
Would you move this jar file to just under the jars directory and try it again?
Thank you for your time.