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vpn site2site is failing in travis builds
Test 8 has been failing most builds, Example
SCENARIO=vpc-site2site-vpn TEST=tests/vpc-site2site-vpn/create-with-terraform.sh
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
___________________________________ test_dns ___________________________________
def test_dns():
for connection in (connection_ip_fip_bastion_to_ip_private_cloud, connection_ip_fip_onprem):
with connection() as c:
ret = c.run(f"/usr/bin/dig +short {global_cache.hostname_postgresql}", in_stream=False)
> assert global_cache.ip_endpoint_gateway_postgresql == ret.stdout.strip()
E AssertionError: assert '' == 'icd-prod-us-...\n166.9.12.32'
E +
E - icd-prod-us-south-db-751334.us-south.serviceendpoint.cloud.ibm.com.
E -
E -
E -
test/test_scenario.py:100: AssertionError
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/invoke/loader.py:3: DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib; see the module's documentation for alternative uses
import imp
-- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/capture-warnings.html
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED test/test_scenario.py::test_dns - AssertionError: assert '' =...
==================== 1 failed, 4 passed, 1 warning in 9.80s ====================
Not sure, added a sleep before running terraform a second time to allow the endpoint gateway to get a value. Comment in the TEST=tests/vpc-site2site-vpn/create-with-terraform.sh
# Testing, test_dns, is verifying the DNS resolution on-prem matches the endpoint gateways and this is failing
# for two different reasons.
# 1. Problem: terraform output ip_endpoint_gateway_cos was
# ibm_is_virtual_endpoint_gateway.cos.ips[0].address
# Fix: extra time, run terraform apply again, and the endpoint will have an address
# 2. dig from either the cloud or onprem is returning the public addresses: 166.*
# def test_dns():
# for connection in (connection_ip_fip_bastion_to_ip_private_cloud, connection_ip_fip_onprem):
# with connection() as c:
# ret = c.run(f"/usr/bin/dig +short {global_cache.hostname_postgresql}", in_stream=False)
#> assert global_cache.ip_endpoint_gateway_postgresql == ret.stdout.strip()
#E AssertionError: assert '' == 'icd-prod-us-...7\n166.9.90.6'
#E +
#E - icd-prod-us-south-db-711595.us-south.serviceendpoint.cloud.ibm.com.
#E -
#E -
#E -
# Fix: I do not know
sleep 60
terraform apply
problem 2 did not reproduce on my desktop
If this fails again, unroll the loop into two test functions to pinpoint the source of the problem