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How to figure out a subnet_id(s) for a given zone
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I am trying to figure out how to fetch the subnet_id(s) for a given zone, let's say eu-de-1. I cannot find a suitable data source for this. Is it possible to use ibm_is_vpc instead?
New or Affected Resource(s) or Datasource(s)
- ibm_1.58.0
data ibm_is_subnets this {
zone = "${var.region}-1"
output "subnet_ids" {
value = [
for sub in data.ibm_is_subnets.this.subnets : "${sub.id}"
this would result in
subnet_ids = [
subnets datasource has zone filter https://registry.terraform.io/providers/IBM-Cloud/ibm/latest/docs/data-sources/is_subnets#zone