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New Network Creation Using ibm_pi_network Module Fails
IBM CloudCollection version: 1.23.0 Terraform Provider version: 1.23.0
Attempting to create a new network for a PowerVS service fails. It fails for both public and private network but with different error msg and behavior.
For private network attempt, it fails with error msg and the network never gets created: "stderr": "\nError: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing\n\n\n",
While for public network, the playbook execution ends with the following error msg and the playbook execution is terminated at this point. However, the final outcome is inconsistent. At times, network is ultimately created in the service and shows up in the portal; but at other times it fails but also with different errors.
error 1 (on my Frankfort service where the network actually got created but execution returned with error msg): "rc": 1, "stdout": "ibm_pi_network.ansible_20210409-194452: Creating...\n ibm_pi_network.ansible_20210409-194452: Still creating... [10s elapsed]\n ibm_pi_network.ansible_20210409-194452: Still creating... [20s elapsed]\n ibm_pi_network.ansible_20210409-194452: Still creating... [30s elapsed]\n ibm_pi_network.ansible_20210409-194452: Still creating... [40s elapsed]\n ibm_pi_network.ansible_20210409-194452: Still creating... [50s elapsed]\n ibm_pi_network.ansible_20210409-194452: Still creating... [1m0s elapsed]\n", "stderr": "\nError: Failed to Create PI Network public-192_168_131_206-29-VLAN_2053 :Post "": context deadline exceeded\n\n on line 1, in resource "ibm_pi_network" "ansible_20210409-194452":\n 1: resource ibm_pi_network "ansible_20210409-194452" {\n\n\n", "warnings": []}
failure error 2 (in my WDC service where no resource were created before.): "rc": 1, "stdout": "ibm_pi_network.ansible_20210409-193227: Creating...\n", "stderr": "\nError: Failed to Create PI Network public-192_168_131_206-29-VLAN_2053 :[POST /pcloud/v1/cloud-instances/{cloud_instance_id}/networks][500] pcloudNetworksPostInternalServerError &{Code:0 Description:an error has occurred; please try again: unable to get network and/or openstack instance for cloud instance b39a286f69784fcf97474ca352fb38d5: unable to get network instance for cloudInstance b39a286f69784fcf97474ca352fb38d5: unable to get new network instance: unable to get provider client: provider client does not exist or does not have any credentials registered Error:internal server error Message:}\n\n on line 1, in resource "ibm_pi_network" "ansible_20210409-193227":\n 1: resource ibm_pi_network "ansible_20210409-193227" {\n\n\n", "warnings": []}