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Common unit definitions for integrated assessment research

Unit definitions for integrated-assessment research

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© 2020–2023 IAM-units authors; licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.

The file definitions.txt_ gives Pint-compatible definitions of energy, climate, and related units to supplement the SI and other units included in Pint's default_en.txt. These definitions are used by:

  • the IIASA Energy Program MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM_ integrated assessment model (IAM),
  • the Python package pyam_ for analysis and visualization of integrated-assessment scenarios (see pyam.IamDataFrame.convert_unit()_ for details)

and may be used for research in integrated assessment, energy systems, transportation, or other, related fields.

Please open a GitHub issue_ or pull request_ to:

  • Add more units to definitions.txt.
  • Add your usage of iam-units to this README.
  • Request or contribute additional features.


iam_units.registry is a pint.UnitRegistry object with the definitions from definitions.txt loaded:

.. code-block:: python

>>> from iam_units import registry

# Parse an energy unit defined by iam-units
>>> qty = registry('1.2 tce')
>>> qty
1.2 <Unit('tonne_of_coal_equivalent')>

>>> qty.to('GJ')
29.308 <Unit('gigajoule')>

To make the registry from this package the default:

.. code-block:: python

>>> import pint
>>> pint.set_application_registry(registry)

# Now used by default for pint top-level classes and methods
>>> pint.Quantity('1.2 tce')
1.2 <Unit('tonne_of_coal_equivalent')>


iam_units overwrites Pint's default definitions in the following cases:

.. list-table:: :header-rows: 1

    • pint default
    • iam_units
    • Note
    • 'kt' = knot [velocity]
    • 'kt' = 1000 metric tons
    • 'kt' is commonly used for emissions in the IAM-context.

Technical details

Emissions and GWP

The function convert_gwp() converts from mass (or mass-related units) of one specific greenhouse gas (GHG) species to an equivalent quantity of second species, based on global warming potential_ (GWP) metrics. The supported species are listed in species.txt_ and the variable iam_units.emissions.SPECIES.

The metrics have names like <IPCC report>GWP<years>, where <years> is the time period over which heat absorption was assessed. The supported metrics are listed in the variable iam_units.emissions.METRICS.

.. code-block:: python

qty = registry('3.5e3 t').to('Mt') qty 3.5 <Unit('megametric_ton')>

Convert from mass of N2O to GWP-equivalent mass of CO2

convert_gwp('AR4GWP100', qty, 'N2O', 'CO2') 0.9275 <Unit('megametric_ton')>

Using a different metric

convert_gwp('AR5GWP100', qty, 'N2O', 'CO2') 1.085 <Unit('megametric_ton')>

The function also accepts input with the commonly-used combination of mass (or related) units and the identity of a particular GHG species:

.. code-block:: python

Expression combining magnitude, units, and GHG species

qty = '3.5 Mt N2O / year'

Input species is determined from qty

convert_gwp('AR5GWP100', qty, 'CO2') 1.085 <Unit('megametric_ton / year')>

Strictly, the original species is not a unit but a nominal property; see the International Vocabulary of Metrology_ (VIM) used in the SI. To avoid ambiguity, code handling GHG quantities should also track and output these nominal properties, including:

  1. Original species.
  2. Species in which GWP-equivalents are expressed (e.g. CO₂ or C)
  3. GWP metric used to convert (1) to (2).

To aid with this, the function format_mass() is provided to re-assemble strings that include the GHG species or other information:

.. code-block:: python

Perform a conversion

qty = convert_gwp('AR5GWP100', '3.5 Mt N2O / year', 'CO2e') qty 927.5 <Unit('megametric_ton / year')>

Format a string with species and metric info after the mass units of qty

format_mass(qty, 'CO₂-e (AR5)', spec=':~') 'Mt CO₂-e (AR5) / a'

See Pint's formatting documentation_ for values of the spec argument.

Data sources

The GWP unit definitions are generated from the package globalwarmingpotentials_.
The version of that package used to generate the definitions is stated in the variable ``iam_units.emissions.GWP_VERSION``.

See `<DEVELOPING.rst>`_ for details on updating the definitions.

.. _global warming potential: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming_potential
.. _International Vocabulary of Metrology: https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/documents/jcgm/JCGM_200_2008.pdf
.. _contexts: https://pint.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contexts.html
.. _Pint's formatting documentation: https://pint.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial.html#string-formatting
.. _globalwarmingpotentials: https://github.com/openclimatedata/globalwarmingpotentials


``iam_units`` defines deflators for:

- USD (United States dollar) for annual periods from 2000 to 2022 inclusive.
- EUR (Euro) for the periods 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020 only.

These can be used via pint-compatible unit expressions like ``USD_2019`` that combine the `ISO 4217`_ alphabetic code with the period.

To enable conversions between *different* currencies, use the function ``configure_currency()``:

.. code-block:: python

   >>> configure_currency(method="EXC", period="2005")

   # Then, for example
   >>> qty = registry("42.1 USD_2020")
   >>> qty
   42.1 <Unit('USD_2020')>

   >>> qty.to("EUR_2005")
   26.022132012144635 <Unit('EUR_2005')>

Currently ``iam_units`` only supports:

- period-average exchange rates for annual periods (method="EXC");
- period="2005"; and
- the two currencies mentioned above.

Contributions that extend the supported currencies, methods, and periods are welcome.

.. _ISO 4217: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#Active_codes_(List_One)

Tests and development

Use ``pytest iam_units --verbose`` to run the test suite included in the submodule ``iam_units.test_all``.
See `<DEVELOPING.rst>`_ for further details.

.. _IAM-units authors: ./AUTHORS
.. _GNU GPL version 3: ./LICENSE
.. _definitions.txt: ./iam_units/data/definitions.txt
.. _emissions.txt: ./iam_units/data/emissions/emissions.txt
.. _species.txt: ./iam_units/data/emissions/species.txt
.. _checks.csv: ./iam_units/data/checks.csv
.. _Pint: https://pint.readthedocs.io
.. _default_en.txt: https://github.com/hgrecco/pint/blob/master/pint/default_en.txt
.. _MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM: https://docs.messageix.org/models/
.. _pyam: https://pyam-iamc.readthedocs.io
.. _pyam.IamDataFrame.convert_unit(): https://pyam-iamc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/iamdataframe.html#pyam.IamDataFrame.convert_unit
.. _issue: https://github.com/IAMconsortium/units/issues
.. _pull request: https://github.com/IAMconsortium/units/pulls