99% of floors in the condo design are the same. Duplicating them - increase file size with factor 99 - make impossible modification after Design Transfer View STEP ed 3...
The description does not clarify what are these directions https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/DEV/IFC4_3/RC1/HTML/link/ifcorientationexpression.htm
I do not like "late binding" term. It confuses me with late binding programming paradigm. Can we look for better one? Some suggestions - dynamic classing, soft classing vs -...
Description of the proposal: remove IfcProduct.RepresentationType attribute What do we win: simplify and consistent schema, remove redundant data. All the information may be obtained from classes of IfcRepresentationItems
There are some requests from users to assign materials to wall surface that may be different in different wall sides, spaces and fragments. It may be a physical material (plaster,...
We need more accurate definition for precision. Precision for directions/points and properties are different things. I would suggest: 1) include precision into each unit definition reather than project context 2)...
IfcIndexedPolyCurve should bee used everywhere instead of IfcPolyline (or at least allowed togeather with) Particulary it should be used for - IfcAlignment . Axis - IfcSectionedSpine . SpineCurve
IfcLinearPlacement.PlacementMeasuredAlong references to curve, but what coordinate system is used for the curve? I have to search IfcProduct that has the curve in Representations and use ObjectPlacement to have answer....
Is there any reason to define IfcBoxAlignment as text with WR? I would change to enum https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/lexical/IfcBoxAlignment.htm