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Boilerplate App for building Apps with Mongoose, SASS, Angular, Gulp, Browserify and Express.


A Boilerplate App for building Apps with Mongoose, SASS, Angular, Gulp, Browserify and Express.


  • git clone myApp
  • cd myApp
  • npm install
  • gulp

That's it. Now visit http://localhost:8080 and profit.

What's in the box

A sensible default app that ..

  • uses Browserify to build the client code from the client to the public folder
  • uses $stateProvider for the (HTML5 PushState supported) routing
  • uses SASS as pre processor
  • uses an .editorConfig file for everyone to enjoy
  • uses a .jshintrc
  • uses Gulp as build tool that does:
    • view compiling
    • sass conversion
    • browserify-ing all teh things
    • cleaning the build folder
    • jshinting your beautiful code

It comes with an example controller, service, directive and two states using stateprovider so you can see how things work together.


In server.js you will notice an USE_API flag you can set. When you set this to true, Frickle will automatically load all your models that live in api/models, connect to your MongoDB based on your ENV settings and load up the API routes from api/routes.js.

There's an example API Controller with corresponding Model so you can start building straight away.