
Results 58 comments of Hypnos

Yes,this is only about the window. The azimuth is not changing over the year. What is changing is the elevation, so that maybe the sun is below the horizon in...

This is fixed in the latest version. Since this version has undergone some changes internally, I have this but still released as beta. That means you can't update it via...

(closed automatically), I will close Issue when version released regular.

Installation guide can be found in the release notes: https://github.com/rdmtc/node-red-contrib-sun-position/releases/tag/2.2.0-beta

This works as intended. In the winter and the minimize mode if the sun is not in the window, the oversteer does not apply.

The oversteer works only if the sun is in the window (this is independent of the chosen mode). This is calculated by the given start/end azimuth for the window. Maybe...

The problem with the southern hemisphere had been known for a longer time (#209), and to be honest, I had not yet dealt with it intensively.

Specifying a sun position externally would be a major effort. Since I don't see any use case for this either, it looks bad. What you can do is calculate your...

There is no code quality problem here. A design decision is that basic functions are provided by the [position node](https://github.com/rdmtc/node-red-contrib-sun-position/blob/master/nodes/position-config.js). This includes, among other things, the calculation of the position...

In the current dev version this can be entered.