I have spent all day trying to figure out how to get this "bearer" token and the only solution I found is spending like $20 on some http request apps....
I used sitekey 6LeoeSkTAAAAAA9rkZs5oS82l69OEYjKRZAiKdaF and i tried several different URLs : https://shop-usa.palaceskateboards.com/9234190/checkouts/20f154a638a2de5ecc3b1c62f3063c43 https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/anchor?k=6LeoeSkTAAAAAA9rkZs5oS82l69OEYjKRZAiKdaF&co=aHR0cHM6Ly9zaG9wLXVzYS5wYWxhY2Vza2F0ZWJvYXJkcy5jb206NDQz&hl=en&v=v1518566665321&size=normal&cb=21lcn4m3p64u and I also tried this too https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=recaptchaCallback&render=explicit&hl=en I used the default ports 4141 and 8080 when i...
Hey man you bot is amazing. Im working on my own that also uses alt codes to find the Item (I am using python) I have successfully been able to...