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Porting sodium64 to Chinese ed64 clones
I have a ED64 Chinese clone everdrive, the black ones, tried some roms but no luck, maybe sodium only works for real everdrives? Can it be possible to make them work on Chinese clones? I love this work, I know it has a lot of effort to make.
Unfortunately, I don't know why sodium64 wouldn't work on these carts. It's not designed for any flashcart in particular, and it works on emulators. Are you using a PAL system? I only support NTSC right now, so that could be the issue.
Actually I'm using the NTSC ed64, my n64 is NTSC, my ed64 has a NTSC/PAL switch, but in using the NTSC, just for be sure, can you send me a valid n64 converted ROM just for testing, just to be sure that the issue is my ed64 and not my rom converted? My email is [email protected], I can test my ed64 and response with the results
I won't send any commercial ROMs, but I can give you this: It's the homebrew 240p Test Suite converted with the latest sodium64.
U said converted roms works on emulators? Can I test them on like project64? Before trying them on a real n64? There is any compatibility list to start converting any playable Rom?
Just to clarify, converted roms do no need sodium64.n64 need to be in the same folder right? Converted roms are independent? Can work standalone? Because 240p suite is not working on lemuroid nor m64plus fz pro, gonna try it on my PC with project64 first, and some converted roms before going back to the n64
ok tried 240psuite with project64, and gives me an error
gonna try converting some roms to see if they give me same error on emulators
tried with 3 roms, super mario world, super metroid, and donkey kong country, all USA roms, same error on pj64
Unfortunately, I don't know why sodium64 wouldn't work on these carts. It's not designed for any flashcart in particular, and it works on emulators. Are you using a PAL system? I only support NTSC right now, so that could be the issue.
Wich emulator you use? maybe using the same as you can help me to test the converted roms.
Ah, I should have clarified that it only works on low-level emulators. You can use my N64 emulator rokuyon.
ok rokuyon emulators works, so my converted roms, know only lasts to test them again on my ED64
custom firmaware already works i only test on clones
the issue is that the stock firmware uses a official ed64 build thats really ancient and me and the altra64 contributers have years of changes added to make advancements like this work. we also make extra care to remove any spookyness in the code. the only binary blob is the ed64 header and thats just so clones see the firmware
ok, im gonna try that altra64 custom firmware, but right now, donkey kong country had finally worked, super mario world doent worked for me, maybe trying that custom firmware will help, i'll report later my results.
Gotta say that thanks to ariahiro64 and altra64 custom firmware for ed64 Chinese clones, many roms and converted are working
Not all and not perfect, but reporting working better with custom firmware, thanks.
sodium64 does work on the normal ed64p/super64 firmware, you just have to inject the SNES rom into the sodium64 rom with the python script.
The .z64 converted roms (at least mario) loaded just fine for me on my Super 64 (red version of ED64 basically) but I’m wondering what save type I should use to save properly? @Hydr8gon only thing I’m not sure about. Thank you for this awesome software!
@samuelwhitcombhyde the save type should be SRAM.