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A port of Super Mario 64 for the DSi
Related to #39, #37 Can be disabled with a linker option if it causes issues. I removed the fdiv and fmul implementations again because they weren't that much faster than... I tried implementing hardware accelerated fdiv and sqrtf functions, I also tried writing an fmul implementation that should be somewhat faster than the default. There's also a rounding implementation...
In #32 it was shown that you can use the hardware sqrt operation to replace a software one in `nds_renderer.c`. The default libnds sqrt function has extra checks that are...
Vertex displacement math is very slow, it currently uses floating point math. Per vertex it runs 16 floating point operations. (including a square root) This implementation only affects the graphical...
Currently all the code is stored in main ram, and the arm9 core stalls when the arm7 core is reading from main ram. If the code was compiled in Thumb...
The current code does not use any of the TCM. This means that the instruction cache and data cache are overwritten more often and leads to more reads to main...
It's possibly to compute a good approximation to the cosine of a number using a single float multiplication and 1 integer multiplication. The implementation from this video for example
Some people have a GB Macro (or otherwise broken top screen), or just prefer playing on the bottom screen, so it would be nice if it were an option. It...
Can’t read anything. Font is corrupted. Maybe you can fix it?
I made a few small changes to boost the speed a bit. Used some NDS BIOS Math and Hardware accelerated Math where I found possible and optimized with O3 instead...