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ViDeBERTa: A powerful pre-trained language model for Vietnamese, EACL 2023

Results 4 ViDeBERTa issues
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I want to reproduce the MRC task result on ViSquad 1. dataset. I tried using your code but there are some problems: 1. ViSquad dataset: there are still some samples...

Hi there, When i load your model checkpoint base or xsmall, i see this warning `Some weights of the model checkpoint at Fsoft-AIC/videberta-base were not used when initializing DebertaV2Model: ['mask_predictions.LayerNorm.weight',...

Hi. I am trying to use the ViDeBERTa model to refine an MRC task on a ViQuAD dataset. However, according to the provided code, file _Finetuning/QA/extractive-qa-mrc/utils/preprocess.py_ is missing. ![Screenshot from...

Hi @DaoTranbk and @HyTruongSon, many thanks for open sourcing the repo for ViDeBERTa! I'm very interested in the v3 pretraining of a DeBERTa model. In the current version of the...