Kasada-Deobfuscated copied to clipboard
Kasada's p.js partially deobfuscated, still has VM logic
Kasada's p.js Deobfuscated
The script was obfuscated by replacing most strings with a function to grab the string from an array and decode it.
0x5ee is the index and "m6n4" is a value used to decode the string from the array.
The array is not in the correct order at first and it is rearranged when the script is first executed.
Note: Identifiers were replaced with more eye friendly ones
;(function (juquana, jernae) {
var gali = KPSDK_0x1a3a; // KPSDK_0x1a3a is the function that pulls from the array and decodes the string
while (true) {
try {
var tuyetnhung = -parseInt(gali(1246, "ZrqT")) * parseInt(gali(1123, "SF8Y")) + parseInt(gali(866, "B&jL")) + parseInt(gali(488, "i&SL")) * parseInt(gali(749, "SF8Y")) + parseInt(gali(1404, "0mUP")) * parseInt(gali(1382, "VR1C")) + parseInt(gali(1566, "8%Ma")) * -parseInt(gali(937, "s$M0")) + parseInt(gali(1517, "KuSv")) * parseInt(gali(1258, "HY&U")) + -parseInt(gali(403, "s$M0")) * parseInt(gali(1201, "#jW1"));
if (tuyetnhung === jernae) break; else juquana.push(juquana.shift());
} catch (oshanna) {
}(KPSDK_0xf49f, 464424) // KPSDK_0xf49f is the array of encoded strings
The first element of the array gets sent to the back until the array is in the correct order or tuyetnhung == 464424
After deobfuscating:
;(function (juquana, jernae) {
while (true) {
try {
var tuyetnhung =
-parseInt("2heZWMs") * parseInt("135654qTbABM") +
parseInt("301063jmvAoT") +
parseInt("11009YPscRF") * parseInt("81JRakrh") +
parseInt("2Dxgobv") * parseInt("2215QuFPap") +
parseInt("353049JvnAYK") * -parseInt("1tJFxcB") +
parseInt("1201DTKmnY") * parseInt("547chHHWy") +
-parseInt("18668hOnZuB") * parseInt("41zmWBxs");
if (tuyetnhung === jernae) break;
else juquana.push(juquana.shift());
} catch (oshanna) {
})(KPSDK_0xf49f, 464424)
If you evaluate tuyetnhung
yourself you will notice it equals 464424
Now that the array is in the correct order all of the following calls to KPSDK_0x1a3a
can be replaced with their string value like shown above.
The next step of deobfuscating this script is coming up with a strategy to make the VM logic starting at line 1508 more readable.
Currently I'm not proud of the code I wrote for the deobfuscator so that will not be open sourced yet.
To deobfuscate the script I used AST manipulation which you can learn more about here.