labelImg copied to clipboard
pyqt5 replace pyside6
pyqt5 | GPL-3.0
If your license is incompatible with the GPL then you need a commercial PyQt license.
Commercial use
It is recommended that pyqt5 replace pyside6
what is your suggestion to change in this repo
大佬 我是建议 pyqt5 转换为 pyside6
比如labelImg部署给用户 打包为EXE 增加了自动标注工具功能
那么根据pyqt5协议 我的程序 就要全部开源 要么购买PyQt的商业版本
Another solution would be to distribute this application with a license GPL-3.0. But I agree with the @monkeycc switching to pyside6 seems a better option. I can make these changes if I decide by pyside6
Sounds pyside6 is a long term solution. @eltonfernando will it have a lot of effort to switch to pyside6? We create another branch for migrating to pyside6
@tzutalin , I think it's simple, pyqt is very similar to pyside6. I've been migrating my applications, I don't see any big problems.
@eltonfernando I see. Thanks. I created a new branch:
If you can contribute and help to migrate, it will be great! Thanks again
thank you so much! Also, the
needs to be modified. check my PR: