
Results 57 comments of HumanG33k

I think kanboard should by default install your plugin @aljawaid. As it add information that can help : - user to install or not a plugin - dev to help...

a better way for debian package is to use debian package dependency system in order to use system side ffmpeg probably in control file. also the env var should be...

One option is probably parsing the output of ffmpeg after an apt install ffmpeg :  ``` ffmpeg version 5.1.2-2 Copyright (c) 2000-2022 the FFmpeg developers built with gcc 12 (Debian...

best thing to do is to try to use the following repository instead of that one : If a issue occur feel free to open a issue on gitlab.

I can find time to improve the software if needed.

Not sure it's related but on my macOs when i first updated to last version the app crash after password asking form. After i read the stacktrace i see it's...

do you use the current deb file ?

Hello, First you can use follow to insert work xml tag. Do you have any error output somewhere ? I guess (without more investigation) that indeed maybe not follow...

As i say previously can you provide error logs ? It will help us to help you. You can get one buy running a dry test and provide us output.

You can find documentation about it in the wiki : - Not sure is up to date. But for me a better option is to contact indeed to disable...