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Code and weights

Open mdciri opened this issue 6 months ago • 2 comments

Please, share your code and the weights of your model, so that we all can try your work. It is amazing! Also, do not forget to put a license.

mdciri avatar Feb 29 '24 10:02 mdciri

Don't Hold Your Breath

It's never going to be released. Go look at this authors other projects. There are hundreds of people like yourself asking when they will release their code:

Outfit Anyone

Animate Anyone

They have no intentions of showing any code, and I'd go far as to say they don't even have code to back up what they're advertising.

It's basically just chinese propaganda, and it's mainly fueled by YouTubers thoughtlessly reporting on their empty projects; thus, waves of viewers flock to their github repositories, staring and comment in excitement.

What can I do to help stop this?

  1. Comment on the video that sent you here, and inform them politely.

  2. Don't like, star, or give attention to any projects until they are published.

What is their motivation for lying?

  • It could be a few reasons, but my intuition says they are attempting to look competitive in the AI space and are aiming to be bought out or contracted by another company.


  • More likely, if you look at the authors organization tab, it is not registered / associated with any company. So there's a strong chance this might be just a person who isn't even from alibaba. Possibly publishing promising AI papers for their resumè.

Whatever the reason, it's very dishonest, and for personal gain.

Hope this helps,

Collin Budrick

Collin-Budrick avatar Feb 29 '24 13:02 Collin-Budrick

do not ask, ask is soon !

sarsigmadelta avatar Mar 01 '24 07:03 sarsigmadelta