
Results 17 comments of HumHongeKamyaab

Someone looking for webmacs alternative can look for, It is in active development and has all the features of webmacs. Looks like they are trying to imitate webmacs.

@daviwil I tried to replicate yr `exwm` config with `polybar` in my Ubuntu based OS with Gnome DE. Its taking some effort, as I don't know anything about Guix OS....

I am really fascinated about Guix after reading yr config. Will try to learn more about it, and replicate yr config. May be it sounds greedy, but a video about...

I use different workspaces basically to completely separate different tasks. For eg. songs, browsing social media etc on 1 workspace and emacs, terminal, work browser on another workspace. I dont...

@WorldsEndless Thanks for pointing to them. I will try them out in future. Meanwhile it would be great if `exwm` can put it as a feature request, as it is...

@lucasgruss I have tried it. Its not working, as it literally extending single frame in the multiple monitors that too in a weird way. By extending, I mean that each...

@lucasgruss this hack looks promising. Can you suggest modification in the function `exwm-workspace-switch-cycle` mentioned in above issue to switch between virtual workspaces. Also have you shared your exwm config...