
Results 22 comments of HulaHoopWhonix

> I'm not sure how a hidden service would work with Killer, and don't see it as beneficial for the project as a whole. Would require far more dependencies, and...

Edit: Added to original post how to handle audio. For all types of files, the idea is to convert the original data into a simple headerless format to strip out...

> And if there's a GUI, maybe it makes sense to build the drawing-black-boxes functionality into that GUI too? I think any image editing is better left to GIMP to...

> Do I understand it right that you are using corridor as a host firewall? Yes. --- By LAN I refer to the physical network. I guess Corridor's current position...

> if the remote end is not the ORPort of a Tor relay, then the new connection is rejected. OK good to know. Makes it easier to know if its...

I get a similar error: > sudo iptables -I OUTPUT ! -o lo ! -d -j CORRIDOR_FILTER > iptables v1.6.0: Couldn't load target `CORRIDOR_FILTER':No such file or directory I'll...

Tested version 0.10 - Qubes missing service warning still shows - with workaround corridor starts - sudo iptables CORRIDOR_FILTER works with no errors. No changes made to ufw. - all...

Debugged some more: **Before enabling the CORRIDOR_FILTER:** sudo iptables-save-deterministic *mangle :PREROUTING ACCEPT [0,0] :INPUT ACCEPT [0,0] :FORWARD ACCEPT [0,0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0,0] :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [0,0] -A POSTROUTING -o virbr0 -p...

> So corridor_relays is empty? Yes. > by explicitly adding an iptables rule that allows traffic for the host's tor daemon I think that's the way to go. Can you...

Just to be sure, I uninstalled ufw and have the same results. ipset comes up empty > Does /var/lib/corridor/relays already exist? Says it doesn't exist