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Learning Image-adaptive 3D Lookup Tables for High Performance Photo Enhancement in Real-time

Results 34 Image-Adaptive-3DLUT issues
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Hi, in your paper, you said "It should be noted that we only learn the color/tone enhancement part of the imaging pipeline rather than learning the entire pipeline from raw...

Hello, Thank you for your contribution. I see that you have shared two models(LUTs.pth, classifier.pth) for sRGB paired training approach [here]( Can you please share the following information: - Which...

Hi, First, some basic information about my setup which may be relevant. I am running Pyton 3.8.1, which was installed as part of Anaconda. I am using the Spyder IDE....

In []( I can see the following: ``` img_input = cv2.imread(self.set1_input_files[index % len(self.set1_input_files)],-1) img_exptC =[index % len(self.set1_expert_files)]) ``` Here img_input is in XYZ while img_exptC is in RGB. But...

VS 2019 windows 10 pytorch 1.6 cuda 10.1 install ![image]( i do not to do about this error ,can you help me ,thanks

I noticed the CPU implementation of trilinear forward and backward functions only support batch_size == 1. When we use the functions with batch_size > 2, the first sample is only...

hello, how can i solve this problem? I looked it up online and said it was memory or Pointers?

你好,阅读了您的代码后,有个想法希望沟通一下: 从训练的时候看lut表关系大致表述为: result = w1 * lut1(img) + ...+ wn*lutn(img) ------1 从demo_val中看后面的表述关系大致为: blendlut = w1*lut1+...+wn*lutn result = blendlut(img) -------2 假如上面的1和2等价的话, 那么是否就是说 如果训练足够多,应该就能用一个lut表来表征呢? 另外一个问题是:如何评价训练结果,即什么时候可以中止训练? 期待您的答复 谢谢

如何保证lut表中的值在[0,1]之间? 而且还存在 组合后的lut表的值是否在[0,1]之间,当不在这个区间时,特别是负值时,应该如何处理?

In some situation, training code raises a device error: ``` cuda error: an illegal memory access was encountered ``` After debug I found that the main reason is `Tensor` used...