xfce4-dockbarx-plugin copied to clipboard
Error during build
Hi there when i try to compile i got the follow
cd /tmp
git clone https://github.com/HugLifeTiZ/xfce4-dockbarx-plugin
cd xfce4-dockbarx-plugin
./waf configure --prefix=/usr
./waf build
Setting top to : /tmp/2/xfce4-dockbarx-plugin
Setting out to : /tmp/2/xfce4-dockbarx-plugin/build
Checking for 'gcc' (c compiler) : /usr/bin/gcc
Checking for program valac-0.8 : not found
Checking for program valac : /usr/bin/valac
Checking for valac version >= (0, 8, 0) : (0, 8, 1)
Checking for program dockx : /usr/bin/dockx
Checking for program pkg-config : /usr/bin/pkg-config
Checking for 'glib-2.0' >= 2.10 : yes
Checking for 'gtk+-2.0' >= 2.16 : yes
Checking for 'libxfce4panel-1.0' >= 4.8 : yes
Checking for 'libxfconf-0' >= 4.8 : yes
'configure' finished successfully (0.219s)
Waf: Entering directory `/tmp/2/xfce4-dockbarx-plugin/build'
[1/5] valac: src/dockbarx.vala src/preferences.vala -> build/src/dockbarx.c build/src/preferences.c
[2/5] subst: data/dockbarx.desktop.in -> build/data/dockbarx.desktop
preferences.vala:76.9-76.55: error: Too few arguments, method `Gtk.Box.pack_start' does not take 3 arguments
preferences.vala:77.9-77.52: error: Too few arguments, method `Gtk.Box.pack_start' does not take 3 arguments
preferences.vala:105.9-105.51: error: Too few arguments, method `Gtk.Box.pack_start' does not take 1 arguments
preferences.vala:106.9-106.42: error: Too few arguments, method `Gtk.Box.pack_start' does not take 1 arguments
preferences.vala:107.9-107.41: error: Too few arguments, method `Gtk.Box.pack_start' does not take 1 arguments
preferences.vala:109.36-109.67: error: Too few arguments, method `Gtk.Box.pack_start' does not take 1 arguments
preferences.vala:110.9-110.39: error: Too few arguments, method `Gtk.Box.pack_start' does not take 1 arguments
preferences.vala:111.9-111.39: error: Too few arguments, method `Gtk.Box.pack_start' does not take 1 arguments
preferences.vala:112.9-112.39: error: Too few arguments, method `Gtk.Box.pack_start' does not take 1 arguments
preferences.vala:113.9-113.36: error: Too few arguments, method `Gtk.Box.pack_start' does not take 1 arguments
preferences.vala:114.20-114.24: error: The name `Stock' does not exist in the context of `PrefDialog.new'
dockbarx.vala:59.9-59.21: warning: unhandled error `Xfconf.Error'
Waf: Leaving directory `/tmp/2/xfce4-dockbarx-plugin/build'
Build failed
-> task failed (exit status 1):
{task 140419410817424: valac dockbarx.vala,preferences.vala -> dockbarx.c,preferences.c}
valac ./src/dockbarx.vala
src/dockbarx.vala:21.7-21.10: error: The namespace name `Xfce' could not be found
using Xfce;
src/dockbarx.vala:22.7-22.12: error: The namespace name `Xfconf' could not be found
using Xfconf;
src/dockbarx.vala:23.7-23.9: error: The namespace name `Gtk' could not be found
using Gtk;
src/dockbarx.vala:32.31-32.41: error: The type name `PanelPlugin' could not be found
public class DockbarXPlugin : PanelPlugin {
src/dockbarx.vala:33.13-33.15: error: The symbol `Gtk' could not be found
private Gtk.Socket socket;
src/dockbarx.vala:45.13-45.19: error: The type name `Channel' could not be found
public Channel xfc;
src/dockbarx.vala:89.13-89.22: error: The type name `PrefDialog' could not be found
PrefDialog pd = new PrefDialog(this);
src/dockbarx.vala:131.40-131.53: error: The type name `ScreenPosition' could not be found
public void determine_orientation (ScreenPosition pos) {
Compilation failed: 8 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Which package i need for the build does not fail ?
i had installed this packages : valac bamf gtk+2 glib2 libwnck gnome-common libgnome libgnomemm libgnomeui libgnomeuimm gnome-python-desktop gnome-python libgtop libgee libgee1 dbus-glib libxfce4ui libxfce4util xfce4-dev-tools xfce4-panel hicolor-icon-theme pygtk dbus-python python-pillow gnome-python-desktop gnome-python2-gconf python-xlib python-keybinder six libwnck3 numpy numpy-legacy pyxdg python-xlib avant-window-navigator gtkdatabox valabind
and still i had the same error duruing build, i don't know which package aditional are need it.
I wouldn't try to valac
the code standalone because it has to be told where the XFCE4 vapis are.
It kind of sounds like some vala release changed the GTK2 API.
Are you compiling from git master or from a release tag or tarball? I'd recommend a tag or tarball; it's entirely possible I broke git master somehow.
Hi there, i was trying with the github version first after i try with the tarball but happend exactaly the same, after i try with the source of another git and happen the same again.
Well i from that day to today i had installed and modify a lot of packages on my Slackware64 14.2 xD. i am going to try again to see what happen now.
[ inukaze | 06-01-2021 | 07:02 am ]
[webkitgtk]$ cd /tmp/
[ inukaze | 06-01-2021 | 03:01 pm ]
[tmp]$ cd /tmp
[ inukaze | 06-01-2021 | 03:01 pm ]
[tmp]$ git clone https://github.com/HugLifeTiZ/xfce4-dockbarx-plugin
Clonando en 'xfce4-dockbarx-plugin'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 226, done.
remote: Total 226 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 226
Recibiendo objetos: 100% (226/226), 181.70 KiB | 51.00 KiB/s, listo.
Resolviendo deltas: 100% (129/129), listo.
[ inukaze | 06-01-2021 | 03:01 pm ]
[tmp]$ cd xfce4-dockbarx-plugin
[ inukaze | 06-01-2021 | 03:01 pm ]
[xfce4-dockbarx-plugin]$ ls
AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING data/ INSTALL README.md src/ THANKS vapi/ waf wscript
[ inukaze | 06-01-2021 | 03:01 pm ]
[xfce4-dockbarx-plugin]$ ./waf configure --prefix=/usr
Setting top to : /tmp/xfce4-dockbarx-plugin
Setting out to : /tmp/xfce4-dockbarx-plugin/build
Checking for 'gcc' (c compiler) : /usr/bin/gcc
Checking for program valac-0.8 : not found
Checking for program valac : /usr/bin/valac
Checking for valac version >= (0, 8, 0) : (0, 34, 9)
Checking for program dockx : /usr/bin/dockx
Checking for program pkg-config : /usr/bin/pkg-config
Checking for 'glib-2.0' >= 2.10 : yes
Checking for 'gtk+-2.0' >= 2.16 : yes
Checking for 'libxfce4panel-1.0' >= 4.8 : yes
Checking for 'libxfconf-0' >= 4.8 : yes
'configure' finished successfully (3.192s)
[ inukaze | 06-01-2021 | 03:01 pm ]
[xfce4-dockbarx-plugin]$ ./waf build
Waf: Entering directory `/tmp/xfce4-dockbarx-plugin/build'
[1/5] valac: src/dockbarx.vala src/preferences.vala -> build/src/dockbarx.c build/src/preferences.c
[2/5] subst: data/dockbarx.desktop.in -> build/data/dockbarx.desktop
gtk+-2.0.vapi:5871.40-5871.42: warning: Gtk is deprecated. Use gtk+-3.0
/tmp/xfce4-dockbarx-plugin/src/dockbarx.vala:82.22-82.24: warning: Gtk is deprecated. Use gtk+-3.0
/tmp/xfce4-dockbarx-plugin/src/preferences.vala:123.9-123.11: warning: Gdk is deprecated. Use gdk-3.0
/tmp/xfce4-dockbarx-plugin/src/dockbarx.vala:59.9-59.21: warning: unhandled error `Xfconf.Error'
[3/5] c: build/src/preferences.c -> build/src/preferences.c.1.o
[4/5] c: build/src/dockbarx.c -> build/src/dockbarx.c.1.o
[5/5] cshlib: build/src/dockbarx.c.1.o build/src/preferences.c.1.o -> build/libdockbarx.so
Waf: Leaving directory `/tmp/xfce4-dockbarx-plugin/build'
'build' finished successfully (5.999s)
Well i need try in a fresh installation of Slackware64 14.2 without KDE components and just with Xfce & GTK2.
How i can determine why before not want to compile but now yes ?
Can be the VALAC version ?
/usr/bin/valac --version
Vala 0.34.9
Suggestion in case can be the valac version, you can include valac version 0.34.9 with the source code of DockBarX, similar like the project dosbox-x do with their version of SDL1, but in that case that SDL1 version is strong modified to make binary executable with some features own of dosbox-x
Looks like you successfully built it that time. The warnings about Gtk being deprecated and the unhandled Xfconf.Error are normal.
Ok i am not worry by that errors with Gtk because i know GTK2 is old and is not the standard today, right now is GTK3, but in a few time will be GTK4 or OpenQT (Because the QT creators recient actions to limit the developers projects) Well i prefer the ELFlibs from Enlightement. But seems like nobody want develop with that lightweight libs.