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HEAAN lib binds for Python


This is a Python wrapper for HEAAN library.

HEAAN is a software library that implements homomorphic encryption (HE) that supports fixed point arithmetics. This library supports approximate operations between rational numbers. The approximate error depends on some parameters and almost same with floating point operation errors. The scheme in this library is on the paper.


  • Environment

    CMake (>= 3.12), GNU G++ (>= 6.0) or Clang++ (>= 5.0)

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git build-essential cmake python3 python3-dev python3.6-pip
    git clone https://github.com/Huelse/HEAAN-Python.git
  • GMP


    cd gmp-6.1.2
    ./configure SHARED=on # default install in /usr/local, option --prefix=/path/to/extends
    make check  # optional
    make install
  • NTL


    cd NTL/src
    ./configure SHARED=on  # default install in /usr/local, option DEF_PREFIX=/path/to/extends
    make check  # optional
    sudo make install


    In "Params.h", 'pbnd' value is 59.0 by default. If you are using NTL with "NTL_ENABLE_AVX_FFT=on", This option reduces that small-prime size bound from 60 bits to 50 bits, see. For this reason, you need to change the setting to 49.0.

    cd HEAAN/lib
    make all
  • pybind11


    # Option 1 to run setup.py
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    # Option 2 to run cmake
    cd pybind11
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    sudo make install
  • HEAAN-Python

    • Option 1
    python3 setup.py build_ext -i
    python3 setup.py install  # global install
    • Option 2
    cd src
    cmake .

    If success, you will get the dynamic link library in the folder, which name HEAAN.cpython-<version>.so.


make sure you already installed the library globally or the file HEAAN.cpython-<version>.so in the current directory.

python3 test.py


  1. ImportError: libntl.so.43: cannot find

    • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/extends/lib

    • add the /path/to/extends/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf and refresh it sudo ldconfig

    • install the NTL and gmp in /usr/local as default

  2. MakeError: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find libntl.so or libHEAAN.a

    Change to absolute path.


This lib is still in the experimental stage.

If any problems, email or Issue.

Email: [email protected].
