vscode-restclient copied to clipboard
Is there a way to import saved requests from postman?
Is there a way to import postman collections into .http files so we can use them in vscode-restclient?
@rohitkrishna094 nice suggestion, I am considering the feature that supports importing requests of postman, swagger and HAR format.
@Huachao @rohitkrishna094
Regards this thing - I'm working on it from time to time:
Still in progress but at least documents are parsed. It will take much time because there's still wrap up of the importer architecture, resign from postman-collection
dependency and use our-own typescript interfaces...
Actually, synchronizing with Postman would be key for us, not sure if that's just a very specific case scenario, but the reason we keep postman is because it is very easy and quick to reference things in a team environment and to provide quick examples to others (not just devs) on how to work with our API's.
However, using this within VSC for a developer is MUCH MUCH faster and can leverage much more of what's already available to us within the app itself. So if there was also a way to export or sync to postman stuff we've already setup as tests locally that would be fantastic.
@rohitkrishna094 im created simple generator vscode-rest from postman json.. maybe it helps you
Thanks, will try it out. 👍
https://github.com/alfathdirk/postman-to-vscode-rest-client doesn't appear to work any longer, at least on Windows 11 when exporting a Collections V2 json file from PostMan 10.2
npm -g i vsrest-postman-generator
followed by
npx vsrest MyCollectionFileName.json
runs for a moment, then just returns without doing anything.
I tried with PowerShell, Command Prompt, and Git Bash.
write a simple python script to do the job..
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import json
import sys
def toInt(s):
return int(s)
except Exception as e:
return s
data = json.load(open(sys.argv[1]))
for item in data["item"]:
print("# @name", item["name"])
request = item["request"]
print(request["method"], request["url"]["raw"])
if "body" in request:
print("Content-Type: application/json")
if "raw" in request["body"]:
body = json.loads(request["body"]["raw"])
print(json.dumps(body, indent=2))
elif "formdata" in request["body"]:
body = dict(((el["key"], toInt(el["value"]))
for el in request["body"]["formdata"]))
print(json.dumps(body, indent=2))
Any updates on this?
A competitor to this app / extension called ThunderClient just went paid only, so I'm back to looking for alternatives. Being able to import my requests would be a big help in that regard!
@ScottRFrost try these shell scripts. Pass the name of the thunderclient collection .json file.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
METHOD=$(cat $1 | (jq ".requests[] | select(.name == \"$2\").method") | sed --expression 's/\"//g')
URL=$(cat $1 | (jq ".requests[] | select(.name == \"$2\").url") | sed --expression 's/\"//g' | sed --expression 's/{{/{{$dotenv %/g')
HEADERS=$(cat $1 | (jq ".requests[] | select(.name == \"$2\").headers[] | [.name, .value] | @csv" ) | sed --expression 's/"//g' | sed --expression 's/\\//g' | sed --expression 's/,/: /g')
BODY=$(cat $1 | (jq ".requests[] | select(.name == \"$2\").body.raw") | sed --expression 's/\\n//g' | sed --expression 's/\\//g' | sed --expression 's/^"//g' | sed --expression 's/"$//g')
echo "$METHOD $URL HTTP/1.1"
if [ "$BODY" != "null" ]; then
echo $BODY
#!/usr/bin/env bash
(cat "$1" | jq -c '.requests[] | .name' | sed --expression 's/"//g') | \
while read r; do
extract "$1" "$r" > "$r.http"
Guys, I wrote a PowerShell script to import different types of nodes. For example, sometimes you'll see exports like this:
"item": [
"name": "Method-Name",
"request": { ...
And another time like this:
"item": [
"name": "Folder-Name",
"item": [
"name": "Sub-Folder-Name",
"item": [
"name": "Method-Name",
"request": { ...
Ps1 script:
# Carregar o conteúdo do JSON a partir de um arquivo
$jsonFilePath = "C:\Temp\exportThunder\thunder-collection_postman.json" # set file path and name here!
$jsonContent = Get-Content -Path $jsonFilePath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
# Obtendo o nome do arquivo de entrada sem a extensão
$baseFileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($jsonFilePath)
# Criar o caminho completo para o arquivo de saída
$outputFilePath = Join-Path (Get-Item $jsonFilePath).Directory "$baseFileName.rest"
# Função para formatar a saída do bloco de request
function Format-RequestBlock($request, $eventName) {
$requestName = $request.name
$requestMethod = $request.request.method
$requestUrl = $request.request.url.raw
$requestBody = $request.request.body.raw
$requestContentType = "application/" + $request.request.body.options.raw.language
$output = @"
### $eventName
# @name $requestName
$requestMethod $requestUrl HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: $requestContentType
return $output
# Criar o novo arquivo e escrever as saídas formatadas
$output = @()
foreach ($item in $jsonContent.item) {
if ($item.item -ne $null) {
Write-Host "Tag $item.item possui array"
# Chamar a função recursivamente se a propriedade 'item' existir
foreach ($subItem in $item.item) {
if ($subItem.item -ne $null) {
foreach ($internalItem in $subItem.item) {
Write-Host "Internal item $internalItem.item"
$formattedRequest = Format-RequestBlock -request $internalItem -eventName $jsonContent.info.name
$output += $formattedRequest
$output += "# ----------------------------------"
$output += ""
else {
$formattedRequest = Format-RequestBlock -request $subItem -eventName $jsonContent.info.name
$output += $formattedRequest
$output += "# ----------------------------------"
$output += ""
} else {
Write-Host "Tag $item.item NAO possui array"
$formattedRequest = Format-RequestBlock -request $item -eventName $jsonContent.info.name
$output += $formattedRequest
$output += "# ----------------------------------"
$output += ""
$output | Out-File -FilePath $outputFilePath
Write-Host "Arquivo gerado com sucesso em $outputFilePath"
To execute:
- Set the filePath inside the .ps1 script.
- Execute the script.
- The output will be a file with the same name but with a different extension.
I hope this helps someone! If anyone wants to make improvements, feel free to do so!
I also wrote a PowerShell script to convert Postman export json files to http
files. It's called ConvertFrom-PostmanCollection.ps1
and is part of my repo: https://github.com/hahndorf/hacops
Check out my implementation in this PR https://github.com/Huachao/vscode-restclient/pull/1207
Check out my implementation in this PR #1207
You may be wasting your time. This project hasn't had a release in 16 months now.
Check out my implementation in this PR #1207
You may be wasting your time. This project hasn't had a release in 16 months now.
Ugh. What is the latest, greatest alternative?
Ugh. What is the latest, greatest alternative?
Try httpyac. It's great
I'm switching to CURL, should be safe from surprise subscription fees unless private equity buys it.