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AutoHotkey2.rc is referenced by the project files but not included in git. (I am assuming there is nothing tricky going on, like a build script generating the file. I have...
For the v2.0-beta3-H002 release, `A_AhkVersion` is reporting `2.0-beta.1`. v2.0-beta3-H002 itself is incorrect; there must be a `.` between the pre-release identifier and the numeral. Without this dot, version number comparisons...
When I tested yaml to load a 1.6m json file, I found that the ahk_h v2 version will use up to 500+m of memory, while ahk_L v2 version only needs...
This won't be persistent if run as a thread ``` #Persistent SetTimer((*) => ToolTip("Persistent Timer Running", , , 3), 100) ``` adding an infinite loop makes it stay running ```...
I just started using AutoHotkey_H; I wanted to try it to use its multi-threading functionality. However, whenever I try to run a script that calls one of the multi-threading functions,...
I'm using Unicode 32-bit) Autohotkey.dll with C# Gui, Add, picture, x100 y100 w100 h100 vGui_Img +0x100 **backgroundtrans**, Img.png GUI using Dll 'Background[Color]' parameter doesn't work And, if Script reload...
Debugging with DBGP (such as in notepad++) does not show local and global variables. In Scite4AHK this could be solved by replacing tools/SciTEDebug.ahk. But what about the other IDE? However,...
While porting some AHK_L scripts to ahkdll v2, I noticed the WinActivate function is 3x slower than AHK_L, which is already rather slow. This is a bit of a pain...