_Struct copied to clipboard
class to enable easy access to structures
_Struct is a class that is used to get easy access to structures and its members.
sizeof() is used to calculate structure size and is mandatory for _Struct to work.
Read about usage of _Struct here: http://www.autohotkey.net/~HotKeyIt/AutoHotkey/_Struct.htm Read about usage of sizeof here: http://www.autohotkey.net/~HotKeyIt/AutoHotkey/sizeof.htm
Download _Struct.ahk and sizeof.ahk to your library (Path of AutoHotkey.exe\Lib_Struct.ahk...)
Visit _Struct on AutoHotkey forum http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=364838#364838!
Companion projects:
WinStructs - A collection of definitions for Windows Structures. If you create structure definitions, please add them here so only one person ever need do a structure.
AHK-SizeOf-Checker - Verifies sizes of structures that _Struct creates against the size of the structure reported in compiled C++ code.