Hossam M. Ghorab
Hossam M. Ghorab
https://github.com/kangnade/ggplot2-solutions/blob/e6ef9e3b271599f6e97afc0f8a3f012f276f9385/ggplot2_solutions_chapter6.Rmd#L181 The exercise asks to recreate a plot. There is no answer provided. Reproduce the plot using: `ggplot2::mpg %>% ggplot(aes(displ, hwy, col = class)) + ` ` geom_point(show.legend = F)...
https://github.com/kangnade/ggplot2-solutions/blob/e6ef9e3b271599f6e97afc0f8a3f012f276f9385/ggplot2_solutions_chapter5.Rmd#L220 The question clearly states >use geom_count() to create a plot I believe it's a relatively easy & more concise alternative to the geom_bar() you made (which is a good...
https://github.com/kangnade/ggplot2-solutions/blob/e6ef9e3b271599f6e97afc0f8a3f012f276f9385/ggplot2_solutions_chapter5.Rmd#L218 This took me a while. - Plot#1: `stat = "ecdf"` plots the empirical cumulative density function values of the variable mpg$displ. (Note the monotonically-increasing steps & the y axis...
The question asks which geom_*() to use ti detect the trend i a large dataset. **`geom_smooth()`** seems reasonable, especially in a large data set. ++ In 3.5.2 Different Groups on...
In question #2: https://github.com/kangnade/ggplot2-solutions/blob/e6ef9e3b271599f6e97afc0f8a3f012f276f9385/ggplot2_solutions_chapter3.Rmd#L63 The task is a boxplot for every integer value of _displ_, which is a continuous variable so _**round**()_ is required. Consider replacing line #63 with: `geom_boxplot(aes(group...